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Medical system improvements

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I have recently been trying to write a simple script extending the vanilla medical system without having to use a full blown mod. In doing so I have discovered some issues with the medical system that I believe could be improved. As the feedback tracker is currently out of action I figured this would be the next best place to have a discussion and maybe even get a response from one of the developers.


My first concern is with the way FAKs (First Aid Kits) work. I think its still not fully clear what they actually do to a player when used, let me explain.


So currently if you are a fresh player you will have full health represented as...

damage = 0.0;

lets say you take some minor damage, now your health is represented as...

damage = 0.5;

now the player decides to use an FAK on them self, when the animation is finished our player's new health is represented as...

damage = 0.25;

This is as far as you can go currently with FAKs alone, any further FAKs used will result in the units damage remaining at 0.25 yet the FAK will still be used and removed from the healers inventory. Whilst in this state the player will witness minor damage overlays and hear grunting from their character who is obviously in pain. The only way to heal back up to full health (damage = 0.0) is to have a Combat Life Saver use a medikit on you or treat yourself at an appropriate support unit such as a Medical HEMTT.


I think that when your damage level is at 0.25 then yourself and other players should no longer have the option to use an FAK on you as I have seen countless players who think you are still injured (which you are) and waste many important FAKs.


My second concern is with the HandleHeal event handler which is currently broken as reported in the community wiki and many dated forum posts. It would be good if this important event handler could be fixed allowing people such as myself who intend to extend functionality, specifically in the medical region.




The event should fire when any healing is applied to the target character regardless of health, it should report the injured, the healer and the health recovered.

0 = this addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", {
    _injured = _this select 0;
    _healer = _this select 1;
    _damage = _this select 2;
    _isMedic = _this select 3;

Feel free to discuss the above and please Bohemia Interactive Devs, I would love to hear what you have to say regarding what I have posted.



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I do agree with the above, you can use a workaround to avoid wasting FAKs (without the use of a mod to patch the action):

First intercept player actions (via addActions):

inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action","call HG_fnc_uiOnAction"];
Then use the function to filter out the healing action:

_handled = false;

if(_event isEqualTo "Action") then
    switch(_action) do
        case "HealSoldier":
            if((getDamage _target) >= 0.25) then
                hintSilent "That target will need better medical care...";
                _handled = true;

You might also want to override self healing action.
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Thanks for the brilliant reply mate!


I hadn't really taken notice of inGameUISetEventHandler. This is definitely something I can use temporarily for my specific case.


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