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Need help with simple add action script

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I was attempting to make a simple mission file script which adds a new scroll action to the driver of a vehicle. When this option is selected i want it to play a sound effect from my description.ext file, so that everyone in the vehicle hears the sound effect coming from the vehicle.


I tried a few different things but none of them really worked out, any help?

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player addAction
	"Play Sound",
		vehicle player say3D "MySoundFromDesc";
	"vehicle player isKindOf 'Car'"

Put the above in the initPlayerLocal.sqf

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Omg dude this is perfect, thank you so much. Another quick question, sorry :/ , Is there a way I could then make it so that if it starts the sound the action changes to "Stop Sound" which will turn the sound effect off?

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Actually, just noticed you said the driver of the vehicle change:

"vehicle player isKindOf 'Car'"

"driver (vehicle player) == player"
And with say3D it's not possible to stop the sound AFAIK, same goes for the other sounds commands I believe.

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I'm sorry to go off topic but I can not create a new topic yet. So I ask it in here:


Is it possible to use AI mortars in coop missions? I've created an coop MP mission and I would like to call in AI mortars.

How can I set this?

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