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Tasks missing (Can not see in 'J' or map) after loading game

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Yes, the same problem, can't see the tasks list after reloading .

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Thanks to WilliamBUG for the solution in page 1, make sure the "Skip intro" option is unchecked in the launcher, and tasks should be back even in the missions you are currently playing.



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That solution may work for default missions or campaigns (I haven't tried that) but for me it doesn't work with any of the custom campaigns that I've tried it with. I don't use the default launcher as I much prefer the GOS Launcher (http://www.clan-gign.net/GOSLauncherA3/publish.htm) but I don't have intros disabled in that launcher either. BTW, there's another thread on this issue (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192538-tasks-disappear-after-loading-save-game-apex-and-160/) and at least one other user (besides myself) reported there that this solution didn't work for him either.

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That solution may work for default missions or campaigns (I haven't tried that) but for me it doesn't work with any of the custom campaigns that I've tried it with. I don't use the default launcher as I much prefer the GOS Launcher (http://www.clan-gign.net/GOSLauncherA3/publish.htm) but I don't have intros disabled in that launcher either. BTW, there's another thread on this issue (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192538-tasks-disappear-after-loading-save-game-apex-and-160/) and at least one other user (besides myself) reported there that this solution didn't work for him either.

Well I have tested the solution only with custom (modded) missions (I have never played the default missions or campaigns), in fact in five or six different missions I was stuck without the tasks after loading save games, and in all of them tasks were back.

Maybe you could try the default launcher with the "Skip intro" option unchecked ?

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Well I have tested the solution only with custom (modded) missions (I have never played the default missions or campaigns), in fact in five or six different missions I was stuck without the tasks after loading save games, and in all of them tasks were back.

Maybe you could try the default launcher with the "Skip intro" option unchecked ?


Apparently the issue is also related to 3rd party launchers in some way. I tried using the default launcher with "skip intro" unticked and the tasks were back. I tried again with the GOS launcher with "skip splash screen" (which I'm supposing is the same as "skip intro" since that doesn't exist in the GOS launcher) unticked but the tasks were missing again. For me this doesn't solve the problem because I dislike the default launcher (I find it problematic for a variety of reasons) but it does give me a new lead on figuring out the problem. I guess the next step is to contact the team that maintains the GOS launcher and see if they can or will address it.

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For me the skipintro does nothing. It's the -world=empty that kills the tasks.

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For me the skipintro does nothing. It's the -world=empty that kills the tasks.

 "Empty world" is an option in the GOS launcher but unticking that doesn't help with the missing tasks for me. I've used 3rd party launchers since OFP and I hate to revert to the default launcher as I find it a bit too restrictive. Does anyone perhaps know of a 3rd party launcher that doesn't suffer from the missing tasks problem?

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For me it also was the World parameter. I unticked it and the tasks were there when resuming mission or campaign.







This bug happens in 1.62 with and without Apex, vanilla or modded - doesn't matter. I tested it with the mission Wet Work (The East Wind)


​BI, are you aware of this? 

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I miss the 3rd party launcher that I was using but after delving into the default launcher, I've decided that I can live with it until the issue is resolved. It has the same command line options, allows for adjusting mod load order and supports multiple mod presets, the same as what I was using so it will do for now. The only real downside is that it isn't as easy to use as the GOS launcher.

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