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Bug Report - Dev Build 1.59.135857 - Campaign List

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Hello all


Small and short bugreport; In dev build no. 1.59.135857 some of the single player campaign are missing.

there isn't anymore the list/sections with "Survive", "Adapt" and "Win". its finished somewhere in the middle of the 2nd episode.


pls fix it, i would like to continue the campaign ;-)

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I know there is a plan to remove the episodic nature of the campaign and just make it one big campign.


So it will not have "survive adapt win" etc but I did not thinmk that was coming into effect until 1.60. They did say all saves for the campaign would be reset when it happened.


If you want to skip to a certain point i the campaign and continue from there, the cheat page of the wiki will allow that - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats

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