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Willing to Help Creating Missions (Concept part/Making Scenerys/Compositions)

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If you have good knowledge in scripting and editor and want to create missions with cool backgrounds and interrelated objectives, call me.

I created the concept for several missions, which I can never finish because my lack of scripting practice.


I searched, learned and try a lot but most of the time, my ideas requires one step up regarding scripting (or adjust/edit existing ones).


I can help to create a cool background and lot´s of objectives/hapenings inter-realted and also doing "heavy-work" placing, indicating stuff in the editor and crating scenerys and custom compositions.

I have several mission concepts noted down t o start to work with.

My preferred game type is COOP (I´m from the "COOP´s golden age" in OFP and ARMA) Send me PM if interested.





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