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Restrict AT-wepons at trigger event (alternatively restrict lock-on)

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In a mission I build there are assault and attack boats coming from the sea attacking a village and to make it a challenging to fight these boats I wish to restrict the use of AT-weapons only under that phase. To achieve that I have already applied a smoke screen (using smoke modules) but the AT-weapons have no problems to get lock-ons trough the smoke. (The absolute coolest thing would be if the smoke screen in itself could stop AT-look-on's but I guess that's not possible.)

A perhaps cooler alternative would be if AT-weapons cant get a lock-on on the boats at all on whole mission.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!


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i dont think that it is possible to change the lock. i would just delete the fired bullets with an fired event handler and would give a message like "blind shell" to the player.

alternatively u could manipulate the rockets flight path in a way that it will not hit.

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i dont think that it is possible to change the lock. i would just delete the fired bullets with an fired event handler and would give a message like "blind shell" to the player.

alternatively u could manipulate the rockets flight path in a way that it will not hit.


Seems like really good ideas! I'm not a coder; can you give me a hint how to do those things you suggest?

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You could simply remove all the units that have AT weapons from the mission, or replace them with basic rifleman.

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okay, it will be hard without any scripting knowledge but we can try it.

u need to create a file in ur mission folder and name it delete_rockets.sqf

Its content should be this:

 Description: adds a fired event handler (EH) and checks the fired bullet. if its a rocket/missile it will be deleted.

 Return value: the index of the EH which is needed to remove the EH if not needed anymore

private ["_index"];

_index = player addEventHandler ["Fired",
 private ["_rocket", "_air_friction"];

 _rocket = _this select 6;
 _air_friction = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _rocket) >> "airFriction");

// air friction of self propelled bullets has positiv value (only tested with vanilla)
 if(_air_friction > 0) then
  deleteVehicle _rocket;

In your init.sqf u add this:
if(hasInterface) then
 fnc_delete_rockets = compileFinal preprocessFile "delete_rockets.sqf";
Now u have the tools what u have to do now is to set up some triggers. I do more scripting than designing missions therefore triggers r not my specialty.

but what u have to do in the trigger which fires when AT-rockets should not be allowed is:

global_eh_index = [] call fnc_delete_rockets;
in the trigger which should fire if the AT rockets shall be allowed again u ve to do this:

player removeEventHandler["Fired", global_eh_index];

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okay, it will be hard without any scripting knowledge but we can try it.

u need to create a file in ur mission folder and name it delete_rockets.sqf

Its content should be this:

 Description: adds a fired event handler (EH) and checks the fired bullet. if its a rocket/missile it will be deleted.

 Return value: the index of the EH which is needed to remove the EH if not needed anymore

private ["_index"];

_index = player addEventHandler ["Fired",
 private ["_rocket", "_air_friction"];

 _rocket = _this select 6;
 _air_friction = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _rocket) >> "airFriction");

// air friction of self propelled bullets has positiv value (only tested with vanilla)
 if(_air_friction > 0) then
  deleteVehicle _rocket;

In your init.sqf u add this:
if(hasInterface) then
 fnc_delete_rockets = compileFinal preprocessFile "delete_rockets.sqf";
Now u have the tools what u have to do now is to set up some triggers. I do more scripting than designing missions therefore triggers r not my specialty.

but what u have to do in the trigger which fires when AT-rockets should not be allowed is:

global_eh_index = [] call fnc_delete_rockets;
in the trigger which should fire if the AT rockets shall be allowed again u ve to do this:

player removeEventHandler["Fired", global_eh_index];



Thanks sarogahtyp! I tested it and think I got all code right but got his error message and no rockets removed. Any idea?


'player |#|removeEventhandler["Fired", global_eh_in...'

Error Type Amy, expected Number


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u should show more of what u did and the error from rpt file.

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i think the easiest way to restrict AT Missile=delete missile from EventHandler "Firedman"  by

running loop which will try to detect distance between boat&AT missile and if the distance become smal enough to looks like the missile  has been "Intercepeted",

create a explosion effect&delete the missile.

below is written in the OnPlayerRespawn.sqf . this runs for Mortor or Hozwitter with possibility of 60%,change the "(getmarkerpos "RT")" with your boat's name and ammo's classname and specific distance

(this case,800m)and loop interval and the possibility.you sholud may delete the possibility (random 100<60) to completely restrict the AT Missile(I think Arma's Anti-Tank/Arty is too much over powered,it just ruins the game balance)


player addEventHandler ["FiredMan", {
 params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"];
    if ( (("Sh_82mm_AMOS"==_this select 4)or("Sh_155mm_AMOS"==_this select 4))&&(random 100 < 60) )then
               [_projectile]spawn{params["_projectile"];while{( (getmarkerpos "RT") distance _projectile)>800 }do
     {sleep 0.5;};
    "helicopterexplobig" createvehicle (getpos _Projectile);private _bm="IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo" createvehicle[0,0,0];_bm setpos(getpos _Projectile);_bm setdamage 1;deletevehicle _Projectile;};


Second way is actually intercept the missile.write this in the OnPlayerRespawn.sqf

change the classname of ammo'sname/possibility. remove "(random 100 < 50)" to make the fired missile intercepted certainly.

Changing Intercepting missile(Scalpel) or dummy vehicle(Boat_transport) or ProtectionZone will make this wont work correctly.

Changing Scalpel:Wont intercept the fired missile well,Changing dummy vehicle:wont become transparent well,Changing ProtectionZone:it wont be able to looks like "missile has been intercepeted".


player addEventHandler ["FiredMan", {
 params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"];
  if ( (("M_NLAW_AT_F"==_this select 4)or("M_Titan_AT"==_this select 4)or("M_PG_AT"==_this select 4)or("Missile_AGM_02_F"==_this select 4)or("M_Scalpel_AT"==_this select 4)or("M_AT"==_this select 4)) &&(random 100 < 50) )then
     private _teki=missileTarget _projectile;
     private _g1="M_Scalpel_AT" createvehicle [0,0,0];
     private _ang=getdir _unit;
     _g1 setdir (_ang-180);
     _g1 setpos [getpos _teki select 0,getpos _teki select 1,(getpos _teki select 2)+12];
     private _kabe="ProtectionZone_Invisible_F" createvehicle [0,0,0];
     _kabe attachto[_g1,[0,9,0]];
     _kabe setObjectScale random[0.1,0.2,0.3];
     private _caf="CMflare_Chaff_Ammo" createvehicle [0,0,0];
     _caf attachto[_g1,[0,0,0]];
     private _dmy="B_Boat_Transport_01_F" createvehicle [0,0,0];
     _dmy setObjectTextureGlobal [0, ""];
     _dmy setVehicleTIPars [1, 1, 1];
     _dmy attachto[_projectile,[0,5,0]];
     _g1 reveal _dmy;_g1 setMissileTarget _dmy;

      [_projectile,_teki,_dmy,_g1,_kabe]spawn{params["_projectile","_teki","_dmy","_g1","_kabe"];while{alive _projectile}do
      {sleep 0.5;_g1 setMissileTarget _dmy;};
     "helicopterexplobig" createvehicle (getpos _kabe);private _bm="IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo" createvehicle[0,0,0];_bm setpos(getpos _kabe);_bm setdamage 1;deletevehicle _kabe;deletevehicle _dmy;


lastly,the way to restricting MLRS.


player addEventHandler ["FiredMan", {
     params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"];
        if( ("R_230mm_HE"==_this select 4)&&(random 100 < 60) )then
          _projectile addEventHandler ["SubmunitionCreated", {
          params ["_projectile", "_submunitionProjectile", "_pos", "_velocity"];
          "helicopterexplobig" createvehicle (getpos _submunitionProjectile);private _bm="IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo" createvehicle[0,0,0];_bm setpos(getpos _submunitionProjectile);_bm setdamage 1;
          deletevehicle _submunitionProjectile;


I dont know if those are grammarly correct,but they are working in my server(I think they are not eating Server's CPU so much)

I hope this helps

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