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zeu_tkLog (Team kill log - Server side addon)

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  • AUTHOR : Terox (terox_@hotmail.com)
    • Clients should not have this file, it will not run on their machines, hence no Bikey
    • If you do not have any mod folders already in use on your server, use the one that is provided in the download and run the following command line argument
    • -servermod=@zeu
    • Alternatively, copy the zeu_tkLog.pbo found in @zeu/addons into an already existing mod_folder/addons on the server
  • FUNCTION : This addon logs PLAYER team kill events on the server's rpt file and dumps information about the event on the clients screen
    • The code the clients require is passed to the clients by the server when the mission starts, or to JIP players when they join
  • Limitations
    • This works of an Mpkilled event handler, so for missions that use "revive" SYSTEMS, where the players aren't actually killed, it will not trigger
    • These revive systems tend to use a hit event handler to trigger an unconscious state.
    • Ideally, if you want to implement a team kill system for these, you would be better editing the revive scripts inside the missions


Example of the details logged
(For a killer who is on foot)
15:50:41 ""
15:50:41 "----------     TEAMKILL LOG     ----------"
15:50:41 "..... Terox was team killed at Grid Ref 016051"
15:50:41 "..... from a distance of 31m away"
15:50:41 "..... The killer - Tipsi (UID: 765************** ) was on foot"
15:50:41 ""



For a killer who was in a vehicle
It returns any driver, gunner or commander, as in the example below
15:51:08 ""
15:51:08 "----------     TEAMKILL LOG     ----------"
15:51:08 "..... Terox was team killed at Grid Ref 017051"
15:51:08 "..... from a distance of 3m away"
15:51:08 "..... The logged killer - Tipsi - was in a Hunter HMG"
15:51:08 "..... Vehicle driver     : Tipsi (UID: 765************** )"
15:51:08 ""



(For a killer who is on foot)
"     !!!!!     TEAM KILL LOGGED     !!!!!"
     VICTIM -- Terox --          KILLER -- Alpha: Tipsi --          from -- 31m -- away



For a killer who was in a vehicle
It returns any driver, gunner or commander, as in the example below

     VICTIM -- Terox --          KILLER -- Hunter MG --          from -- 3m -- away
     DRIVER     IS:      Alpha - Tipsi



v1.0 released 7th Apriil 2016
v1.2 released 15th April 2016
Fixed Linux issue cfg functions preprocess failing on Linux server

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v1.2 released 15th April 2016
Fixed Linux issue cfg functions preprocess failing on Linux server

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32 minutes ago, brotherreaper said:

does this still work?


Have you tried it?

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