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Assign a variable for every of a classname?

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So I'm trying to make a script execute for each classname. Essentially I want every one of these objects to have an addaction to execute a script which drops a specific object once every minute 10 times.


I understand I can add an eventHandler for init, but that requires an object, and a classname isn't an object.


The only thing I can think of is:

nearestObjects [player, ["classname"], 999999999];

but then I'd have to constantly execute that script, and I fear locality issues.



A workaround I'm considering is somehow creating them into a gearbox, and making them into a 'put' eventhandler, where if you added a gear item, water let's say, to the box, it will delete the water and addItemCargo every 1 minute ten times. This sounds like a good idea but my main issue is I'm new to modding and I'd like to avoid config at all costs :D


Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys.

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Extended Init eventhandler from cba a3

class Extended_Init_EventHandlers	{
	class classname {
		init = "(_this select 0) call fnc_script";


Use base classname which all your objects belongs to.


in function or script:


+define _object in params

+define _array contain your all object classnames.

+create statement to exit if typeof _object is not in _array.

+setvariable on _object

+optional for different variables use switch (typeof _object) do {}

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Extended Init eventhandler from cba a3

class Extended_Init_EventHandlers	{
	class classname {
		init = "(_this select 0) call fnc_script";


Use base classname which all your objects belongs to.


in function or script:


+define _object in params

+define _array contain your all object classnames.

+create statement to exit if typeof _object is not in _array.

+setvariable on _object

+optional for different variables use switch (typeof _object) do {}

Uh oh time to go read up on config :(

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Maybe this?

// Run this only on server

	[_x, 'call asd_fnc_function'] remoteExec ["addAction", -2]; // 0 all, 2 only server, -2 all except server
} forEach (nearestObjects [position, ["classname"], 90000]);

Or maybe it could be better to start a loop local to each player, checking if his (typeOf cursorTarget) is that className, if true: addAction, if false: removeAction.

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