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[IceBreakr/IBIS] FAP Units (Foes & Allies Pack)

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Ok, thanks for the quick response, and I Love your maps.  B) 

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Thank you, seeing people using my islands happy makes me satisfied ;)

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v1.1 is up.



- added hazmat operator under ARA faction.

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I don't have neither Mig-21 nor Su-24MK ported to A3 yet :/ A2 content only....

In my Mig21 pack which is WIP - i hope to include some variants for Icebreakr islands :)

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There's maybe a weird bug with the Duala BLUFOR, the ones armed with the STEYR when they die, the weapons float above them. as if they're still in the original proxy position.



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Outstanding pack! I was wondering if you had plans to group the Lingor rebels like you did the Molatians? I would love to use them with ALiVE on Lingor :D

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Greetings IceBreakr! I'd like to report a couple of RPT errors and warnings and other issues with this mod.


1. "afr_leo2" does not support Extended Event Handlers (XEH) (observed by RPT warning: "[XEH]: afr_leo2 does not support Extended Eventhandlers! Addon: @FAP_Units"), that is due to the following code:

class afr_leo2: I_MBT_03_BASE_F {
    class EventHandlers {
        init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {{(_this select 0) animate [_x, 1]} forEach ['HideHull','HideTurret']}";

"EventHandlers" are redefined instead of inherited as described in XEH guide on CBA wiki: https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/Extended-Event-Handlers-%28new%29#compatibility-without-dependance


2. "ara_copcar" has some unknown animation sources:

ara_copcar: GunnerLF - unknown animation source gunner_lf_turn
ara_copcar: GunnerRF - unknown animation source gunner_rf_turn

3. "ibr_igla" causes a list of the following errors:

Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

Hopefully this doesn't discourage you, keep up the good work! :)

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IB: after some troubleshooting, I found that this mod was triggering the following error message:

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.scope'.

I hope that this helps you find the cause of the error.

FYI this was found on the main branch (not Dev).

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Well... I need to ask for help, it seems BIS is notorious for breaking mods with almost all patch releases in A3 :(

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@Icebreakr: Is there any chance for an update fixing post APEX "iteminfo scope" errors. Reclicking it after start of the game and every mission is annoying.

The fix is very simple, You have to delete "iteminfo" class designator in parent item classes outside of item parameter descriptors in CfgWeapons section of the config.


Here is explanation how to do it:





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Update coming soon with following changes already done:

- got rid of that nasty new Apex error notices (ItemInfo.scope)

- recorded new Steyr Aug A1 sounds from Austria ;)


I'm adding couple of new things for v1.2, so stay tuned.

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Updated to v1.15:

- got rid of that nasty new Apex error notices (ItemInfo.scope)

- recorded new Steyr Aug A1 sounds from Austria ;)

Get it at:


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I. Factions for my released islands such as:

  • Alienz Zetaborn & Reptile



OMG Could seriously "consider" kissing you and Bad Benson! Thank you!!! 

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Quick question.

Not a game changer but.

When  launch with this addon enabled I receive a pop up


" Addon Zetaborn requires Addon CAData_ParticleEffects."

I can continue.  But I would like to resolve this.


Is there a dependency that I am missing.


I redownloaded and still get the error.


Thanks for all your hard work IceBreakr




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1 Questions is there anyway I can use faction class names  I love your maps def gonna use these units of I can get to work with alive 

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I am looking for a donator of Leopard 1A5 tank to add to Afrenian and GAL factions.

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FAP Units v1.3 is out!


Get it at:

Website: http://www.icebreakr.info/files/fapunits_v13.7z

Steam Workshop http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=656514091

WithSix http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/pAqcBP4ptkW17Vn-fZpvLg/FAP-Units-(Foes-Allies-Pack)



- GAL main assault rifle replaced with M16A2, Grenadier keeps his AUG A1/GL
- fixed: one Anti-Air soldier type carried a RPG bag
- new visual and sound effects for Zetaborns (Alienz)
- alien carbine (Z10) now looks a bit different to a rifle (Z15A)
- tweaked Alien AT weapons and they now engage ground and air targets
- fixed recoil on M1911 .45
- 5 Thugs added to Molatian faction (Civilians with fancy T-shirts)
- made Steyr Aug firing sounds a bit more loud
- many other smaller fixes

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