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Feature request: Correction of a sight in heavy battle tank.

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Correction of a sight in heavy equipment is necessary. The bullet is always lower at the left (on the right) from the center of optics of a sight. The riflescope has no autocorrection, its situation doesn't depend on range of an aiming. Data of a laser range finder don't correct position of the center of a riflescope.
The modern military equipment has high-precision devices of coordination of a riflescope and trunk of the weapon. A shot from the main trunk and the coupled machine gun have to have sniper accuracy.
The modern military equipment has about 35 blocks and parts in a complex of aiming at the purpose, capture and maintenance. High-precision laser sights and the ballistic calculator are capable to make a shot on the center a riflescope cross-hairs.
The built-in stabilizer of a trunk and riflescopes are capable to create horizontal and vertical stability. Stability remains in the movement, and is limited in the particular angles of heel of the case of equipment.   

Three fighting vehicles in Arma3, three features of firing on a sight:

Stabilization of a riflescope aren't present. Only work of subweight of wheels, other maintenance from a mouse is felt.

As works in modern fighting vehicles:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guCxKc8H2Ck   We watch an interval 17-25 min

Operation of the stabilizer of a trunk
High speed and unstable position of the case don't prevent to keep the horizontal situation riflescope.


It isn't a lot of similar examples on the Internet. If someone has similar options?

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Camera stabilizer.
It not advertizing. It is demonstration as works as resolves issues to clean trembling of the camera to stabilize the direction of the review.


Viewing of this part of a question can decide not single requests to solve jolting of images of cameras in equipment and UAVs.

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Kuma (in Arma3) - Leopard 2A4/NG Next Generation Tank Modernization

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