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Controlled by AI

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I search the command (if it exists), to give the control of the player to ia​. Especially when some player become AFK on the server. in short, I want a "Sleep Mode", a script that the player or admin can execute.

The only scripts that I found are "selectplayer" "selectnoplayer" but that's not what I'm looking. If it does not exist, is it possible to create it?


​thank you


P.S : sorry for bad english â€‹


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There is no command availible to my knowledge on how to do that. However, you could spawn down an AI at the players position, give it all the items and such from what the player has and make it join the group the player was in. Then you could attach the player to the AI and make them invisible so they basically will see the AI in third or first person. Add a key or mouse event handler for input and once there is input, get rid of AI and put player back in game, visible and whatnot. I can point you to reference commands to do these things if you need.

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Yes, being a beginner in scripting it would help me a lot thank you, I'm not even sure of success

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You will need





https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_saveInventory- and of course the loadInventory on same page

https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/group- and a few of the commands listed on that page as well


This is very possible to do. Would be a good script to struggle and learn with to learn how to script in Arma. I wish you luck and happy coding!

There is only one small quirk that can happen. When a player is hidden, they still have collision applied to them. I think there is a command to disable collision, but I'm sure you can worry about that later. Also, be sure to have a plan for when and if the AI dies or gets wounded (is have player get same damage as AI, and have to respawn if AI is dead, or not punish player and put them back as they were at AI last pos)

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Thank you very much, I'll try it

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 Finally, it's a bit too hard for me. I am still a beginner who modifies existing script. You think that there is someone who would be interested in this project? There's there a heavy workload?

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