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drunken officer

[COOP-7 / SP] Russian Assault

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Hello. I want to present my mission.


In this mission you are part of a small Russian infantry squads. The Russian army is after a long civil war on Altis, to protect the peace. However, there is in the northwest rebels, who regard the Russians as enemies. There have been recent attacks on Russian convoys or the local government. That's why the Russian army checkpoints erected in order to better control the situation. On this day, it's your turn to their service performed in a checkpoint.

As medicsystem i use Farooq's Revive 1.5.
Inside the base is a teleport-flag for JIP or killed players.


- CBA_A3
- TaskForceRadio


Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=648925532&searchtext=russian+assault


Becaue our "clan" doesnt play ArmA 3 at the moment ( Naval Action is the favaroit for the most guys ), i couldnt test this mission completely.

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