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Help needed for original sci-fi mod

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i've got this idea for a mod and i need to know if their is any one out their with any skills be it








anything to do wiv building a mod

if you wanna help out email me at msaspence@hotmail.com

or drop a post on the end of here

i'm the only member of the team so far it doesn't have a site

all that i've done so far is a riffle you can try it by typing this into your address bar


it still need texturing and i need to get FlipeR's permission for some of the sound files

make sure you try out the reload L21A3 SD X mag action

here's the story

the year is 3156 however man has not developed that because from 2543 to 2943 earth was bombarded with comets

the people of earth knew this was comeing from as early as 2300 so build huge underground bunkas they called arks

they also new that a large % of the comets were ice so the water would rise they thought that it would rise a half a mile at the very worst so build some escape mechanisms into the arks

it turned out that the water raised so much that only a few outcrops of land were left

now you have to remeber that some of these ark were not emergancy plans but ideas in construction for over a hundred years and a few infact became floating cities

however the land was still highly sort after and now wars are beging fort over it the West is USE (united states of Europe) Usa conlasped when the different state couldn't agree on the construction of the arks so seperated and the east is china who although a developing country now (2002) has the potential to become a super power

of course there are your small rebels fractions who squoble over the land too

most are defectors and smaller countries that had arks mostly the independant states from usa

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Sounds really interesting. What sort of weapons, equipment are you planning on?

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well i was thinkin in keepin wiv projectile weapons

none of this laser crap

lots of hover tanks as it set on a water world

drop ships any things you want really i'm open to all ideas

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