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[SOLVED] [PARADROP] AI helicopter stop to follow his waypoints after dropping...

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Hello, I have a problem with the AI helicopter after paradrop.


The helicopter stop following his waypoints after the paradrop. It just stay in hovering flight. I would like to make the helicopter follow his waypoints again after paradroping....


Here is the command that I've put in the "On Activation" field of the helicopter drop waypoint:

paratroopers leaveVehicle heli; {_x action ["Eject", vehicle _x];} forEach units paratroopers;

I d'ont see what other command line(s) I should use. I defeinitely need an expert.




Here is my test senario (3D editor): https://mega.nz/#!FgAn3Rqa!2MR4nIZOQGo2l92l2l0nbHKg8Ar20hm6_r1uW06v1UI


GOAL: the helicopter must land at Camp Rogain after paradrop.



Thanks and regards.


PS: the problem does not happen when the player is the paratroop team leader.

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Try setting the helicopters waypoints to careless 

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Try setting the helicopters waypoints to careless 

That does not work...

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seems theres a few people having issues with heli waypoints :/


try mucking around with the completion radius of each waypoint and see if that helps.. 


Worst case scenario you resort in using unitCapture unitPlay

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seems theres a few people having issues with heli waypoints :/


try mucking around with the completion radius of each waypoint and see if that helps.. 


Worst case scenario you resort in using unitCapture unitPlay


Thank's for your reply.


I've tried to put a 1 kilometer radius for the waypoints after drop and is the same...

Capture & Play is the last resort. I think there is a "magic command" to reset the AI or something like, because when I am the team leader, the problem does not happen...

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Do the paratroopers start inside the helicopter, or do they board it earlier in the mission? If they board it earlier in the mission, how does this take place (i.e., is it via a Get In waypoint, via scripting, etc.)?


Have you tried using unassignVehicle before giving the eject action yet? This would need to be done for each unit in the group.

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Can you explain what was the problem ? It is the cargo assignation ?

st_dux already pointed you in the right direction with unassignVehicle


The syntax for the "On Activation" field of your helicopter drop waypoint: should be

{unassignVehicle _x;_x action ["Eject", vehicle _x];} forEach units paratroopers;




Is possible to put the units directly in the helicopter by the 3D editor (without the "moveInCargo" command)?
You can achieve this by settings waypoints for the group leader. See Waypoints #Get_In

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st_dux already pointed you in the right direction with unassignVehicle


The syntax for the "On Activation" field of your helicopter drop waypoint: should be

{unassignVehicle _x;_x action ["Eject", vehicle _x];} forEach units paratroopers;




You can achieve this by settings waypoints for the group leader. See Waypoints #Get_In



Your command does not work in my scenario... The helicopter vertical land after drop... (Tested with the scenario on the first post and with an UH-80 on another test scenario.)


On the other hand, I put the unit in the helicopter in 3D editor by drag and drop.

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You could try setting a waypoint for the helicopter to hold while the units paradrop and then once the units activate a trigger have the helicopter skip the hold waypoint and move on. I haven't been able to test this yet but I think it would work.

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You could try setting a waypoint for the helicopter to hold while the units paradrop and then once the units activate a trigger have the helicopter skip the hold waypoint and move on. I haven't been able to test this yet but I think it would work.


It is not the goal but tested, and doesn't work...

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It is not the goal but tested, and doesn't work...

I must've not really understood you then, sorry about that.

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I must've not really understood you then, sorry about that.


No problem, I just want to understand the ArmA3's AI helicopter's mechanics...


EDIT: for the helicopter, I just want that it return to base imediately after drop... Additionally, stationary drop causes damages to the paratroopers when opening parachutes.

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I d'ont understand why the beerkan's scenario work fine and not mine...

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... . Additionally, stationary drop causes damages to the paratroopers when opening parachutes.


My Simple ParaDrop Script prevents this.


I d'ont understand why the beerkan's scenario work fine and not mine...

Being honest mate, but as my example works, then dissect it and compare it to yours and you'll work out why yours doesn't.

However, check the conditions of the waypoints in my example scenario. My Simple ParaDrop Script is just for paradrops. It hoofs units assigned as cargo, out of a vehicle. It does nothing to set or change waypoints or behaviours of AI.


Also in the example waypoint condition I gave you, I'm assuming you declared the "paratroopers" somehow.


If you still can't figure it out, and I'm going out on a limb here, post your mission/scenario and we'll all see why it's not working.

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My Simple ParaDrop Script prevents this.


Being honest mate, but as my example works, then dissect it and compare it to yours and you'll work out why yours doesn't.

However, check the conditions of the waypoints in my example scenario. My Simple ParaDrop Script is just for paradrops. It hoofs units assigned as cargo, out of a vehicle. It does nothing to set or change waypoints or behaviours of AI.


Also in the example waypoint condition I gave you, I'm assuming you declared the "paratroopers" somehow.


If you still can't figure it out, and I'm going out on a limb here, post your mission/scenario and we'll all see why it's not working.


I'm not very comfortable with scripting... If it does not bother you, I would like you to take a look at my test scenario.


My mission scenario is here : https://mega.nz/#!Fg...0hm6_r1uW06v1UI (3D editor.)


Thanks again for help.

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So I have tried to move the paratroopers in the UH-80 via the drag and drop of 3D editor on your scenario. And by keeping the init field of the team leader...


The result was that the helicopter don't follow his waypoints after drop...


Also tried to move out the paratroopers from my Chinook in my test scenario, and put your lines in the team leader's init field ("moveInCargo", etc...).


The result was the same as above...



I definitely not understand the issue...

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Could this be a group problem? If the heli is in same group as the dropped troops then the group leader could command the heli what to do, not ur waypoints.

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Could this be a group problem? If the heli is in same group as the dropped troops then the group leader could command the heli what to do, not ur waypoints.


Yes I thought about, but I dont know how to ungroup the helicopter by a command...

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Yes I thought about, but I dont know how to ungroup the helicopter by a command...

{_x join grpNull;} forEach crew yourheli;


heligroup = createGroup west;  // or east if the heli side is east

{_x join heligroup;} forEach crew yourheli;



Edited by sarogahtyp

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I got it working with some of the code posted in the thread

I'll post the mission later tonight when I get home

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What was the magic trick - was it to ungroup the heli from the units once they were disembarked ?

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okay ... now its getting weird


the one i did with a smaller group works fine... but with all the paratroopers i am getting the same problem.

It also seems like the paratroopers = group this; is not working because I had to change that the {_x} forEach units paratroopers to  {_x} forEach units group player for it to work.


I almost think there may be a bug here. 

Here is the small test one that seems to work everytime. Strange thing is when i tried to apply same idea to larger group... i got all the weird behaviour.


edited... didnt work

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okay ... now its getting weird


the one i did with a smaller group works fine... but with all the paratroopers i am getting the same problem.

It also seems like the paratroopers = group this; is not working because I had to change that the {_x} forEach units paratroopers to  {_x} forEach units group player for it to work.


I almost think there may be a bug here. 

Here is the small test one that seems to work everytime. Strange thing is when i tried to apply same idea to larger group... i got all the weird behaviour.




In your scenario, the helicopter stop after dropping when the player is not the team leader... Same behaviour as my scenario.


{_x join grpNull;} forEach crew yourheli;


heligroup = createGroup west; // or east if the heli side is east

{_x join heligroup;} forEach crew yourheli;


I have a "generic error" when I execute theses commands...



ÉDIT : ok, tried with:

heligroup = createGroup west; [heliD, heliG, heliLG, heliRG] join heligroup;


[heliD, heliG, heliLG, heliRG] join grpNull;

and thats doesn't work... The helicopter instantly stop to follow his waypoints when these commands are executed...


We have to drop the "join group" solution.

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