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Anyone managed to create child/parent tasks?

Using BIS_fnc_setTask to create 2 tasks doesn't work out somehow, there's only one task being displayed.

Can see the first task being created with the open journal, n seconds later when the second task is being created it automatically overwrites the first one, which is no where to be seen anymore.


No matter how I do it, "ASSIGNED", "CREATED", "AUTOASSIGNED", worked fine before the task overhaul.


Edit: disregard that, my grumpy old eyes tricked me. Mixed up the first two parameters.



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In BIS_fnc_taskCreate you just set the 2nd argument to an array.

[west,["taskFindCookie", "taskFindFoodsParentTask"],["Good luck finding this cookie","Find Cookie","cookiemarker2"],objNull,1,3,true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

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Yeah, in BIS_fnc_setTask the first two params are the other way around, that's what caused me to mix them up.

Now I'm getting this error:

18:15:25 Error in expression <["_taskID","_state","_hint"];
_taskID = param [0,"",[""]];
_state     = param [1,"">
18:15:25   Error position: <param [0,"",[""]];
_state     = param [1,"">
18:15:25   Error Type Array, expected String
18:15:25 File A3\functions_f\Tasks\fn_taskSetState.sqf, line 26

I'm definitely putting in a string in the first parent task ("parentTaskID")and then an array of two strings in the second child task (["childtaskID","parentTaskID"]), seems like the param command in the function isn't set up for this case?


The tasks are showing up fine though using:

player call BIS_fnc_tasksUnit


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Got any details, example code, reproduction steps?  Tasks were working fine for me last night.


Putting down zeus tasks in my server, nothing appears in diary or map widget or 3d hud icon


possibly cfgRemoteExec whitelisting related, but there is nothing in change log about it, just this:


Tweaked: Tasks distribution in multiplayer was improved

Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_taskState was optimized to prevent problems with non-existing tasks on Dedicated Servers

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Can confirm the issue is CfgRemoteExec whitelisting related.


Which functions do I need to whitelist now for the tasks overhaul?

class BIS_fnc_setTask {};
class BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal {};
class BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal_handleJip {};
class BIS_fnc_sharedObjectives {};

Any others?

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Issue resolved.


This appears to be the new bit which can cause issues with cfgremoteexec whitelisting.

// BIS_fnc_setTask
[_id,_notification] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal",0,true];


class BIS_fnc_setTask {jip = 1;};
class BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal {jip = 1;};
class BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal_handleJip {jip = 1;};
class BIS_fnc_sharedObjectives {jip = 1;};

Requires JIP flag also to be enabled

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Getting this spam in server RPT since 1.62 stable


14:10:12 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read '' is using type of ,'TASK' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types

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Getting this spam in server RPT since 1.62 stable

14:10:12 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read '' is using type of ,'TASK' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types

Thanks, I will look at it.

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On 3.6.2016 at 10:29 PM, R3vo said:

Why not having a combo box which searchs the configfile and missionConfigfile for all task types? This tooltip which says visit the Wiki is incredible LAME.

Absolutely agreed. Why put a drop down box there in the first place?

Is the new task system fully implemented? I'm currently trying to implement the new task system into my old missions. Even though I already once changed them to the enhanced task system, some things are not working correctly, it seems that the new way is even more confusing than it was before and using a task framework instead of the editor modules is a the best (and only) option..

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 2:29 PM, R3vo said:

Why not having a combo box which searchs the configfile and missionConfigfile for all task types? This tooltip which says visit the Wiki is incredible LAME.


Edit: Additionally, the marker attribute has no tooltip, I had to go to the config viewer to find out what function is being called by the module, then enter the function viewer to see what the function does with the marker just to see that it's calling another function, after which I was finally able to see what this does. Can we have a tooltip please?


I agree. In 1.66 stable, the Task Type dialog box in the Create Task module shows an empty drop-down menu, and it is impossible to type anything into it.  How can I get those fancy Task Type icons?


Edit: the only way I found to get fancy task icons to show in initial map briefing is shown here.

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Just wanted to thank you for listing to our feedback. The recent improvements to the task modules are great, especially that the task types can now be selected via a dropdown menu.


I also want to report a bug: One of the entries in the destination combo box is not translated. The stringtable.xml string is used instead.

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