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Triggers not recognized

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Has anyone else experienced not being able to proceed due to a mission trigger not being recognized? I am stuck in mission: "Occupation" because the game will not recognize that I eliminated all of the enemy. Whether this is due to the most recent Resistance patch, I cannot be 100% certain. But I did play through this mission before the patch so I am assuming it is. I have tried this misssion five different times with no luck. I eliminate all enemy units I can find only for nothing to happen. I cannot proceed in the campaign because I cannot get past this mission. I had minor difficulties like this before, but always righted itself.

Anyone can help (with a sensible solution)?

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Searching finds you two threads about the mission. I don't believe they provide the solution to it not completing though, this thread in the FAQ may help........

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Thank you Placebo. This may be the answer that I have been looking for. I'll try those suggestions and hopefully I can move on. It may not be a patch problem after all!

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Just to verify... This was indeed the case. Two BMP's are stuck climbing a hill at map point -EE33- . As soon as I destroyed these units the mission ended. Why I made it through this mission previously but not recently is a mystery. Finally I can proceed with the campaign. Hopefully this will not crop up again in a future mission!

Placebo, I am grateful for your assistance!

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