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Spectator attributes not working (RscSpectator_allowFreeCam, RscSpectator_allowedGroups)

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First off, I want to disable the freecam for spectators. I only want 3rd and 1st person to be enabled. I've tried using the following two scripts in my init.sqf, but none of them seem to work. I'm still able to free roam.

RscSpectator_allowFreeCam = false;
missionNamespace setVariable ["RscSpectator_allowFreeCam",false];

Here's what my description.ext says:

respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 20;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Spectator", "Wave"};

Secondly, I'm unable to spectate the entire BLUFOR side. The wiki says that RscSpectator_allowedGroups is set to "all groups" by default, yet only my own squad is visible in the list.


How do I implement these correctly?

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Anybody knows how to make this work?  :mellow:


Without ur init.sqf its a kind of guessing instead of knowing about it.


First I think it should be done for all clients.

The "regular" Namespace ist the MissionNamespace so the following on each client should do the job:

RscSpectator_allowFreeCam = false;

Alternative as it is a global variable u could execute the following on the server or headless client (or any other client) only:

RscSpectator_allowFreeCam = false;
publicVariable "RscSpectator_allowFreeCam";

That will set the variable and broadcast it to every client.



The last alternative is to broadcast it while using setVariable with the public parameter (last parameter):



missionNamespace setVariable ["RscSpectator_allowFreeCam", false, true];
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That makes sense, but I've tried all different possibilities now, and still can't get it working. I've tried looking in the official EndGame scenarios to see how they did it, but I couldn't find anything. I saw, however, that they are using missionNamespace in a similar manner for other variables, by putting it into initPlayerLocal.sqf.


Are you able to get it working? If so, can you provide an example scenario? I have no idea why this isn't working for me.

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I m sorry, but i ve never tried that.


You could try to find a solution with cameraEffect but i think u have to create a camera first.


Here is a tutorial for a bullet cam which u can use to understand how camera creation works.




with cameraEffect you can force a fixed camera view for external cam.


Also u should post ur script to let us look for mistakes.

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What I wrote in the first post is basically it. I placed some units and added those three lines to my description.ext. Spectator mode works upon respawning, but whatever I do with the missionNamespace variables, I can't get them to work. It's not a spectator script I made on my own, but the default one. I'm starting to think it may be broken.


EDIT: For reference, this is the spectator mode I'm referring to.

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Also using the vanilla Spectator_Mode and can't disable FreeCam


respawn = "3";
respawnDelay = 9999999;

player addeventhandler ["Killed", {[] call bis_fnc_respawnspectator}]; 
missionNamespace setVariable ["RscSpectator_allowFreeCam", false, true];

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The 1.6 update seems to have removed spectate on death!! Previously when dead with respawn off (which is set to off on a lot of dedicated servers) you could select players to watch, or roam free to see the mission progress & was interesting.

Now NOTHING you are stuck looking at the floor for Gods sake!!. I hope this is only temporary BIS?

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The 1.6 update seems to have removed spectate on death!! Previously when dead with respawn off (which is set to off on a lot of dedicated servers) you could select players to watch, or roam free to see the mission progress & was interesting.

Now NOTHING you are stuck looking at the floor for Gods sake!!. I hope this is only temporary BIS?

Same problem here, im been searching everywhere. I have a TDM server which is one life only.. anyway after you die your ment to be able to spectate the whole game from both team and now we just stare at the floor at our dead bodies

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