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Unable to publish mission as singleplayer

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Running into this problem where I"m unable to publish my mission as single player. It will only show as multiplayer. Anyone else running in to this issue or know how to fix?


Another thing I noticed, is when I edit my tags, it only will show as multiplayer.

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Same here. It seems the tags aren't saved- no matter what, they always revert back to default.

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Ughh! That's super annoying. I hope this gets fixed soon.

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We're currently investigating what's wrong, thanks for info.

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I did find a workaround that seems to work tho. In the mission Im creating, I have a 3 man squad where the Team leader is the player and the other 2 members are set as PLAYABLE". Thats where the problem begins. When having the other 2 memebers set as playable, EDEN will then not allow you to TAG the scenario as singleplayer, only MP. Now, if the other two members were set as AI and not set as PLAYABLE, then EDEN will allow you to set it as single player, since it's only the Teamleader who can be played as a no ai. I was able to fix this by crearting a trigger and adding "addSwitchableUnit unitNamet". This seems to work.

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Also having this issue, found a couple of others too.




The addSwitchableUnit   Will work, but then will not work if you allow to play over LAN or server : (


Wish there was a way to convert my mission to work with the 2d editor again, until these bugs have been fixed... 

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Still having issues publishing mission to single player. So far I can only tag the mission to multiplayer.

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