Since the eden update i've got this problem on all my misions.
I even made some new empty ones which resulted in exactly the same issue as u see in the video.
(Which had beside desc.ext nothing inside them at all!, i tried scripted player already to whitout success)
The mision(s) have no failure when there is no player alive, and the server is persistent.
I've changed nothing, this all happened after the eden update alone.
Does anyone has an idea of what this can be?


onLoadMission = "Fresh";
author = ...;
onLoadName = Fresh...;
onLoadIntro = "Co op Mission"
onLoadMissionTime = 0;
onLoadIntroTime = 0;
class Header
gameType = Coop;
minPlayers = 0;
maxPlayers = 32;
enableDebugConsole = 1;
loadScreen =  "Loading.jpg";
respawn = 3;
respawnDelay = 3;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive", "MenuPosition"};
respawnOnStart = -1;
debriefing = 1;
showCompass = 1;
showWatch = 1;
weaponPool = 0;
reviveDelay = 10;
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 10;
reviveBleedOutDelay = 600;
showHUD = 1;
scriptedPlayer = 1;
corpseManagerMode = 2;

changing respawnOnStart = -1; into respawnOnStart = 0; doesn't change a thing either.