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[Arma3][Stable][1.56.134627][DS] rpt spam/errors if not spawn as leader in lobby

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you get massiv rpt spam if a user dont select the leader of a group in a multiplayer lobby on a DS.

A example repo is in my dropbox, the pbo mission and the rpt log.




  1. download: exampleRepo
  2. start MPBugRepo.pbo on a DS
  3. dont select leader (first slot) in lobby
  4. look at the rpt file
  5. error on linux and windows DS






If you have questions about the problems ask me anything.



BBQCamp.de Community

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Also experiencing this issue. Ended up with a 300MB RPT file last Sunday after a 2-3 hour mission.

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Hello there,


well you gave yourself the answer ... arma does not like it at all, if you join a group without having an active leader.

 5:41:20 Group B Alpha 1-3 (0x2e52ae80) - network ID 2:121
 5:41:20  - no leader

Your group was B Alpha 1-3, and when you join whithout giving someone the leader, he complains: -no leader 


Is it not hard at all to fix that, just go and assign a leader, either via script, when you join or go and create an AI that is always the leader.

If you use that on your Atis life server, you will get some problems though ... you can completly forget tonics group system when it comes to this, actually his whole mission.  ;)



Regards Arkensor

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Hello there,


well you gave yourself the answer ... arma does not like it at all, if you join a group without having an active leader.

 5:41:20 Group B Alpha 1-3 (0x2e52ae80) - network ID 2:121
 5:41:20  - no leader

Your group was B Alpha 1-3, and when you join whithout giving someone the leader, he complains: -no leader 


Is it not hard at all to fix that, just go and assign a leader, either via script, when you join or go and create an AI that is always the leader.

If you use that on your Atis life server, you will get some problems though ... you can completly forget tonics group system when it comes to this, actually his whole mission.  ;)



Regards Arkensor

I have this problem on a wasteland server its a real jip. I have no idea how to script around it.. Any ideas?

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I have this problem on a wasteland server its a real jip. I have no idea how to script around it.. Any ideas?


You need to make sure, that a group has an owner. Maybe check if the owner ofthe group is not known, and then make the unit of the group who made that check the owner .. 

It depends on your way to manage groups, how you manage a stand alone player etc.


There is no allround solution for everything, at least not a well performing one.



Regards Arkensor

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Hello there,


well you gave yourself the answer ... arma does not like it at all, if you join a group without having an active leader.

 5:41:20 Group B Alpha 1-3 (0x2e52ae80) - network ID 2:121
 5:41:20  - no leader

Your group was B Alpha 1-3, and when you join whithout giving someone the leader, he complains: -no leader 


Is it not hard at all to fix that, just go and assign a leader, either via script, when you join or go and create an AI that is always the leader.

If you use that on your Atis life server, you will get some problems though ... you can completly forget tonics group system when it comes to this, actually his whole mission.  ;)



Regards Arkensor


Hey Arkensor,


What would be the fix for Tonic's AL?


Been trying to work it out for the past couple days.


We are getting the following error spamming 

10:35:08 Group B Alpha 2-3 (0x5ec31d00) - network ID 2:11691
10:35:08  - no leader
10:35:08 Group B Alpha 2-3 (0x5ec31d00) - network ID 2:11691
10:35:08  - no leader
10:35:08 Group B Alpha 2-3 (0x5ec31d00) - network ID 2:11691
10:35:08  - no leader
10:35:08 Group B Alpha 2-3 (0x5ec31d00) - network ID 2:11691

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Well don't use Tonics group system. It is not bad, and it has been the basement for many good costom versions, but the group system, is completly messed up. 


If you don't want that error, rewrite the group system. and pay attention to always have got one leader. 


We do rewrite the gang system too atm, to fix that issue, and some more of that sort ... 



Regards Arkensor

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Hello there,


well you gave yourself the answer ... arma does not like it at all, if you join a group without having an active leader.

 5:41:20 Group B Alpha 1-3 (0x2e52ae80) - network ID 2:121
 5:41:20  - no leader

Your group was B Alpha 1-3, and when you join whithout giving someone the leader, he complains: -no leader 


Is it not hard at all to fix that, just go and assign a leader, either via script, when you join or go and create an AI that is always the leader.

If you use that on your Atis life server, you will get some problems though ... you can completly forget tonics group system when it comes to this, actually his whole mission.  ;)



Regards Arkensor


Thats not my task to set the only member of a group to the leader. If i have many slots in a multiplayer lobby it not normal if i MUST join the first slot to avoid that spam.

That is something to be handled in the engine!

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Thats not my task to set the only member of a group to the leader. If i have many slots in a multiplayer lobby it not normal if i MUST join the first slot to avoid that spam.

That is something to be handled in the engine!


Actually this is not quite right ... if you place some playable slots, all with same rank and stuff, the owner of the group gets chosen when a new person connects, and it its transferred from on to the other.

That happens with our Police people on AL. They are all in one group, and we do not have a single problem there.


Tonic however, made agroup system where you join a (creategroup civillian) thing, which has no leader etc, and this happens in his gang system too.

The server recognizes globally, if there is a group active, without any owners in it, and then spamms the rpt, each time he checks all groups.


This should be enough information so that you understand how Arma deals with groups, and how to fix it eventually. And if you produce the error, well then it is YOUR job to fix that, as the system that the engine cares about, a well setup group, works without any issues.



Regards Arkensor 

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Actually this is not quite right ... if you place some playable slots, all with same rank and stuff, the owner of the group gets chosen when a new person connects, and it its transferred from on to the other.

That happens with our Police people on AL. They are all in one group, and we do not have a single problem there.


Tonic however, made agroup system where you join a (creategroup civillian) thing, which has no leader etc, and this happens in his gang system too.

The server recognizes globally, if there is a group active, without any owners in it, and then spamms the rpt, each time he checks all groups.


This should be enough information so that you understand how Arma deals with groups, and how to fix it eventually. And if you produce the error, well then it is YOUR job to fix that, as the system that the engine cares about, a well setup group, works without any issues.



Regards Arkensor 


Man, look my Repo or the video... this happen with normal lobby groups... nothing with only Tonics stuff...


P.S.: Da du ja deutsch kannst, hast du das Video oder die Repo nicht angeschaut?!?

Ich zeige doch ganz genau das auf einem DS in der Lobby dieser Spam ausgelöst wird... das kann auch von Tonicssystem ausglöst werden, aber die Lobby löst das vor allem aus

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I know to ways to create a new group:

this addAction ["Methode1: New Group",{_group = createGroup west; [player] join _group}];
this addAction ["Methode2: New Group",{[player] join grpNull}];

But both didnt create any spam, because arma automatically set the first unit to leader... BUT not if you have playable units (playable groups for lobby), because the group is there but the playable leader unit is not controlled...

We have no problem connected to the Tonic group system with this kind of spam...

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Man, look my Repo or the video... this happen with normal lobby groups... nothing with only Tonics stuff...


P.S.: Da du ja deutsch kannst, hast du das Video oder die Repo nicht angeschaut?!?

Ich zeige doch ganz genau das auf einem DS in der Lobby dieser Spam ausgelöst wird... das kann auch von Tonicssystem ausglöst werden, aber die Lobby löst das vor allem aus


I looked at the video, and looked into the mission you uploaded.


Now this is the problem:


Unit NOT_SPAWN_AS_LEADER, is forced to be the leader, as you gave him a Sergant, which is a higher rank than the other 3 people. You also connected the group towards him. This makes him the leader anyway ...


Now if you join in as some of the TRY_ME_IM_NOT_A_LEADER, you are right, they are not the leader, and they cant be ... your mission does not allow it, due to rank and connection


So you join in as somebody, who is not allowed to the the leader, and to not take of ther leader over a script command, which would force the unit you want to be leader ... this results in a conflict, of the game wanting to grant someone the leader, it cant, you mission does not allow it, Boom error spam


So what do you have to do: When the player is setup, check the owner of the group the player is in. With this you can see who ist holding the group, ob his local machine.

Next check the leader of the group, if it does not return a valid object, go and execute the player als selectLeader, to gibe him the ladership over the group.


Yes it is a bit tricky, and I don't see a reason why arma did that, but it is how it is, and you can only work around, or make the mission so that the leader must be selected, however you would ike to do that ... or as I said you need to do it with scripting.


A simple sulution: Make every slot without a group, so that everybody gets it's own and join a group via script ingame ... this is a workaround I used a while ago


@shukari this forums are english only, please read the rules again ;) Ohter people need to be able to read this too.




Regards Arkensor

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Yes, we can make a scripting solution for this, but i would be nice if there is an engine solution ;D


Also, you say you have problems with Tonics group system... we have there no problem like this leader rpt spam problem...

can you explain more about your problem with Tocis AL system...



@shukari this forums are english only, please read the rules again ;) Ohter people need to be able to read this too.

-.- are you serious... because of that i wrote it as P.S. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postscript) to you.

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Well there is nothing special about AL. But Tonic messes up the group on, thats also the reason people join random in other people gangs there.

As I said, you need to just delete his group system and make your own. There is nothing to do about it, it's a one big problem. Thats why we rewrite our gang system atm, with a self written, which focuses on the points I mentioned.

Always have a leader, transfer leadership to other when people join and leave etc ...


Either BI resolves the error, so that they handle the group leader on the engine, or we as mission creators, need to script that. 

But I think they won't do something like that, because actually we are doing something wrong, with creating a MP mission with a leader, and not using the leader slot.


If you play a mission, you would join that slot first. Me and my tactic buddies, fight for getting into the leader slot ... so I think we just use it the wrong way. A way BI did not intend for arma at all.


Still even if it is a PS, people also might want to read that :) :) 



Regards Arkensor

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I have checked the provided repro and I was not getting any rpt spam on the vanilla. 


This issue is most likely caused by one of the mods or custom group management that you are using as suggested by Arkensor.

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I have checked the provided repro and I was not getting any rpt spam on the vanilla. 


This issue is most likely caused by one of the mods or custom group management that you are using as suggested by Arkensor.


That problem is 100% if you spawn as non leader an a dedicated server. DONT test this on Eden or client host ONLY per dedicated server.

In my repo you also see my server rpt that i load no mods or any special.

I have a rpt file and a video as evidence...

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@razazel you are right, when hosted via eden editor or player as server, there is nt rpt spam.


However as shukari stated, this error appears on Arma 3 Vanialla, without any mods or group management systems, when you take the provided mission, start a dedicated server, and run the selected mission. Then do not go into the first slots, which also named, so that you do not join into it, but pick on of the 3 down below, and you will see the massiv, spam inside the server .rpt



Regards Arkensor

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This issue is most likely caused by one of the mods or custom group management that you are using.

Well dude, seeing as these types of mods are the reason people play Arma 3, wouldn't it be nice if Bohemia actually collaborated a little bit with the creators of the mods so that 1, they have a chance to iron out the bugs before you release an update. And 2, you help them get things fixed quickly after an update.


A3Wasteland, Exile, Altis Life, King Of The Hill are the main ones, maybe a little bit of help and understanding of those mods, considering you guys wrote the game it wont be difficult to work out how the mods work and maybe even make some suggestions as to how to optimise or improve them?

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I fixed this by not having a "PLAYER" unit in editor and had all playable units "PLAYABLE".

EDIT: Sorry I read some posts and not all. Now that I did I saw the solution has been posted.

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Still persistently having this issue. Occurs with no addons loaded as well.


Can someone from BI acknowledge that this will be at least looked at for the 1.56 hotfix? It doesn't seem to affect server FPS a lot, but I'm not keen on ending up with hundreds of megabytes of RPT files every time we run a mission.

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18:22:49   found in (88,88).
18:22:49   found in (88,88).
18:22:49   found in (88,88).
18:22:49   found in (88,88).
18:22:49   found in (88,88).
18:22:49   found in (88,92).
18:22:49   found in (88,92).
18:22:49   found in (89,92).
18:22:49   found in (89,92).     x 5000

Then :

18:22:50 soldier[rhs_msv_sergeant]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?    x 1000 for every modded soldiers (some vanilla too)


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Here is a method that works 100% of the time, using OP's repro mission on a Windows DS, with "persistent = 1;" in server.cfg:

1. First, spawn as "NOT_SPAWN_AS_LEADER"

2. Once fully loaded, go back to role selection

3. Spawn as "TRY_ME_IM_NOT_A_LEADER"

4. Once fully loaded, check arma3server RPT log to find massive spam


5. Go back to role selection

6. Spawn as "NOT_SPAWN_AS_LEADER" again

7. Seagull !


Vanilla bug.

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Thank you.






I have checked the provided repro and I was not getting any rpt spam on the vanilla. 


This issue is most likely caused by one of the mods or custom group management that you are using as suggested by Arkensor.



Could you please have another look at this, razazel? I know there's a hotfix planned for this week and it would be excellent if this bug got squashed with the patch.

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