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object builder memory lod

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Im trying to import a weapon obi using object builder and im stuck at the memory lod. according to tutorials, i should be able to see yellow outlines when editing the memory lod, but all i get is an empty viewport. i took a look at the sample models but i have the same issue with those too, namely an invisible memory lod. i cant place various attachment points if i have no clue what im working with. does anybody know what might resolve this ?

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There's a setting in the options: Check the box that says "View background LOD"


But you can place vertex point relative to polygon geometries from your resolution LODs by utilising the Pin tool.

If you select a set of faces/verts etc and press [C], it will place the pin tool at the geometric centre of your selection and it will be located there in all LODs. If you then press [Shift+C] it will activate the pin in this position (the pin will turn from a cross to a cross with a circle around the centre) and then pressing [Insert] while you're in the Memory LOD will drop a vert/point on the centre of the active pin.

This makes it easier to place memory points that are aligned perfectly along the centre of certain parts of your model or flush to specific surfaces. You can then lock the X,Y,Z axis in the viewports if you want to then move your mem point a distance along a certain direction while keeping its alignment.

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