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Ai do not want to execute action .

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Anyone know why?

_this addaction ["t",{_this select 0 globalchat "t";},[],10];


_this action ["t",_this];

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Anyone know why?

_this addaction ["t",{_this selefct 0 globalchat "t";},[],10];
_this action ["t",_this];


Are you a troll ilias38rus? Because this sure looks like you are. Could you please stop making nonsense threads? 

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Are you a troll ilias38rus? Because this sure looks like you are. Could you please stop making nonsense threads? 

It's not he, what is your problem, what i'm doing wrong?

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Can't execute custom created action like that?

The reason i didn't took it as right before because someone somewhen told Ilias what it's possible, he don't remember how and couldn't find it, just easier: How to force AI execute custom created action?

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I'm trying, maybe not hard enough, but i can't think of a situation where it would be better, or even necessary, to have an ai execute a custom action as opposed to a line of code or a script/function. For players, yeah, but for ai wouldn't you have to create the action, set a condition for the ai to use the action, trigger (set true) the condition to have the ai use the action, that then executes the code? You could just skip half that and have a condition waiting to be met, that then allows the code to be run.

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Script letting players drag something, when starting draging and leaving control of the unit it stays dragging it.

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I'm not sure if it's possible for the AI to use action menu items like players do; however, I am sure that there is no need for them to. If you want the AI to perform some action that was added via addAction, meaning the result is either a script call or a block of code, simply call that script or block of code. The AI is under your control as the mission designer, so you can effectively get them to use the action whenever you call the script/code.

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I'm not sure if it's possible for the AI to use action menu items like players do; however, I am sure that there is no need for them to. If you want the AI to perform some action that was added via addAction, meaning the result is either a script call or a block of code, simply call that script or block of code. The AI is under your control as the mission designer, so you can effectively get them to use the action whenever you call the script/code.

How to recognise is ai under reemote control or not `(to execute the " block") ?

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How to recognise is ai under reemote control or not `(to execute the " block") ?


I don't understand what you mean by this. Are you asking if the AI is player-controlled or not? If the AI is player-controlled, it's no AI; you can check this with https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isPlayer

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Custom actions are just pieces of code.


Why bother forcing an AI to trigger a custom action, when they can just execute that code directly?

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```" remote control " " zeus " " module " !!!

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Well, if you remote control them, then you can trigger those actions just like a normal player would.

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Well, if you remote control them, then you can trigger those actions just like a normal player would.

I need to they execute action if player leaving the "control" didn't executed it.

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Do anyone know how to handle leaving |,| entering "remote control" ?

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