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Looking for transparent walls for collision/ Solved

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After getting arma 3 tools installed and trying to open the models in object builder, it seems that they are "binarized", so it wont even let me save using the basic model data that is loaded, so looks like there is no way to access these objects. That kind of stinks.


Only option remaining at this point seems to be to try to create my own invisible walls, and then going to have to re-do the object placement for collision for each building. Hopefully at least maybe the invisible wall creation may not be too big of deal being they will be super simple 6 sided objects with no textures.




Appears as though a hidden selection could be added to the invisible walls created so that I can just script in setObject texture for visual reference during object placement, and then get rid of the object texture once placed.


Just going to call this solved, no need to junk up the topics here with an additional open topic that never could be accomplished in the first place.

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