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how to protect the mission from theft?

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The easiest way to protect stuf is to make it +/- 80% server side (espacially special scripts that you worked hard one) and only give it to people or groups that you trust.

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No. Look at a pile of random Lego bricks, then compare with a house of own design built using them. See the difference?


There are several. Think about it. Certain work was done, certain time consumed, certain ideas used, certain order achieved, certain purpose and utility appeared. None of them belong to Lego company.


Think wider, deeper. A house is something more, than the sum of used materials. 


What's interesting indeed is, how to distinguish between the basic brick, fair inspiration, stealing the idea and stealing the work itself. 



Hello?   Is anybody there?   This is a game!


If Fred comes up with a great idea to make the game better then others will use that idea too.


>>>>>>>>  No Joe!    You are forbidden from using his idea!   We hate great scenarios!


Oh OK I didn't know that,. I will have to make crap scenarios instead.


>>>>>>>  We love you Joe :)



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Hello?   Is anybody there?   This is a game!


Yep. So? Why you quoted, what I said above your statements? Did I stated something against using ideas of the others or something?

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Server sided code is still stored in vars. There is commands where you can retrieve all the vars, and the code they contains

Just using a basic cheat updated for the last battleye can do the trick. And if they are kind of pro is way easier. Then server sided stuff has a bad performance cost.

The only way to truely protect your stuff is a licence. With it you can attack the stealers in court. Why do you think that all the companies are registering trends and other stuff. Because you can steal a part of an idea or even inspire but you will need to follow the licence to use this work in your own project

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