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how to protect the mission from theft?

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Guys the OP was asking how to protect from theft, not questions like why/why not, should/should not, sharebear, community spirit,etc.


If you want to discuss that crap, please take it elsewhere.


The obvious conundrum here being that most people who feel the need to protect their mission(s) probably do not feel like sharing how they did it, out of the same reasons they protected their mission in the first place.

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You can also encrypt your scripts using some simple algorithm (like XOR, for example) and then decrypt them during the gameplay. It's not a good protection either but it's capable of fending off script kiddies.


Those people didn't get arma at all.

Says the person who hosts some Sims-alike gamemode with donations (which is the cancer of the Arma 3's multiplayer) in a game that is inteded to be a military sandbox. Oh the irony. :)

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You can also encrypt your scripts using some simple algorithm (like XOR, for example) and then decrypt them during the gameplay. It's not a good protection either but it's capable of fending off script kiddies.


Says the person who hosts some Sims-alike gamemode with donations (which is the cancer of the Arma 3's multiplayer) in a game that is inteded to be a military sandbox. Oh the irony. :)


Are you kidding me ? Well altis life, is altis life. Either you like it or not. But my sever does not take donations, even the server title says that ... NO donation rewards ... Please do not offend me with wrong statements, thank you.

Beside that it also has nothing to do with the topic


But btt:


You could use the toString & toArray function, to make a string look like "uber shit", its just splitting the string into its unicode numbers. On that format 99% of the script kiddies will fail ...

hint format["%1",toArray("Haggis")];


Got an example from there: http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=details&id=849&game=All


You can find the functions here: 




Maybe that helps you to get rid of some stealers @dok381



Regards Arkensor

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LOL the OP wants to protect what a variation of someone else's mission/work/design :) that he and a few friends added a few new scripts to the overall mission design. At the end of the day it is still not your mission design how can you not see that. Bohemia allows us to use there stuff to build on this game platform so they can develop a better product based on community content this is the way is has been since OFP days.


For the people who are taking about pirates really get a grip how the hell is this pirates when the bohemia allows us to edit they're content and play it online and post it to the net for others. The main issue I see it is all ego driven. The OP/others want to have the most popular server and if someone else gets a copy of they're  modified version of a mission and makes it better or plays it how there want to play it upsets/bothers them LMFAO.

It's a F game don't worry what other people do just go play life on your server lol and have fun telling that 12 year he can't have that car or use that weapon :rolleyes:


If you do happened to make a new original game mode, script or mod don't worry the majority of this community will know it's your work and give you credit for it. If you still don't want it open to the public don't release it and just play it on a close server like most of the paramilitary clans do .  I understand Playing on a close server will not feed into your ego I understand :D.


My point is this goes against what this community was build on and the main framework that Bohemia allows us to play this one of a kind game with the focus on sharing content and building missions in a true open sandbox environment that allows each player to play how they want to play.

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LOL the OP wants to protect what a variation of someone else's mission/work/design :) that he and a few friends added a few new scripts to the overall mission design. At the end of the day it is still not your mission design how can you not see that. Bohemia allows us to use there stuff to build on this game platform so they can develop a better product based on community content this is the way is has been since OFP days.


For the people who are taking about pirates really get a grip how the hell is this pirates when the bohemia allows us to edit they're content and play it online and post it to the net for others. The main issue I see it is all ego driven. The OP/others want to have the most popular server and if someone else gets a copy of they're  modified version of a mission and makes it better or plays it how there want to play it upsets/bothers them LMFAO.

It's a F game don't worry what other people do just go play life on your server lol and have fun telling that 12 year he can't have that car or use that weapon :rolleyes:


If you do happened to make a new original game mode, script or mod don't worry the majority of this community will know it's your work and give you credit for it. If you still don't want it open to the public don't release it and just play it on a close server like most of the paramilitary clans do .  I understand Playing on a close server will not feed into your ego I understand :D.


My point is this goes against what this community was build on and the main framework that Bohemia allows us to play this one of a kind game. Sharing content and building missions in a true open sandbox environment that allows each player to play how they want to play.


BI uses .ebo for some of their content, and rewarded obfuscated/encrypted/server-held code in the MANW contest with lots of $$$. 


To throw a log on the fire, it would suggest they are trying to nudge the community in that direction.

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Something to play about with.  (Put in debug console in game for ex)


To encode strings:

encrypt = {
    params ["_input","_key"];
    _encryptMe = toArray _input;
    _counter = 0;
    _array = toArray _key;
    for '_i' from 0 to count _encryptMe -1 do {
        if (_counter > count _array -1) then {
            _counter = 0;
        _var = (_encryptMe select _i) * (_array select _counter);
        _encryptme set [_i,_var];
        _counter = _counter + 1;

diag_log format ["%1",["hint 'test encryption'",'7i6brv65ece7{*(U{ UrcMH35UHM2PPUS(*)){ML:OHJvynyK>?HLI'] call encrypt];
And ofc decode:
decrypt = {
    params ["_decryptMe","_key"];
    _counter = 0;
    _array = toArray _key;
    for '_i' from 0 to count _decryptMe -1 do {
        if (_counter > count _array -1) then {
            _counter = 0;
        _var = (_decryptMe select _i) / (_array select _counter);
        _decryptme set [_i,_var];
        _counter = _counter + 1;
    toString _decryptMe

call compile ([[5720,11025,5940,11368,3648,4602,6264,5353,11615,11484,3232,5555,13530,4158,4560,10285,13776,3712,8925,12654,10890,3003],'7i6brv65ece7{*(U{ UrcMH35UHM2PPUS(*)){ML:OHJvynyK>?HLI'] call decrypt)
Not for security (it would be massive pita and also "key" will at some point be exposed to client so assume it would be "cracked", but maybe could be used as some in-game /meta-game code-system; - "What do the numbers mean?" etc etc.

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 "key" will at some point be exposed to client so assume it would be "cracked"

I think the key, just like scripts, can be stored at server, like the dreadedentity had suggested. Sounds pretty logical to me: the actual content is shared with a .pbo that everybody has but the key to decrypt it is stored on an author's server.


Are you kidding me ? Well altis life, is altis life.

Nope, Arma 3 is a military sandbox and not a civilian life simulator, no kidding. This is clearly stated at Arma 3's Steam Store Page so maybe, just maybe it's you're the one who "does not get Arma at all". ;)

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I think the key, just like scripts, might be stored server-side, like the dreadedentity had suggested. Sounds pretty logical to me: the actual content is shared with a .pbo that everybody has but the key to decrypt it is stored on a author's server.


If clients need the key, you MUST send it to them so they can decrypt.  If you keep the key server-side and decrypt there, then there would be no point in encrypting in the first place as the code is safe out of their hands.  You might as well send them the string, and not bother to encode it in the first place


Really, encrypted strings and keys would be a terrible way of doing security, that's why I said it's best off for game systems (codes/locks/secret messages etc)


All of this was discussed to death in Arma 2 times:



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I think the key, just like scripts, might be stored server-side, like the dreadedentity had suggested. Sounds pretty logical to me: the actual content is shared with a .pbo that everybody has but the key to decrypt it is stored on a author's server.

It's weakness is the same as my solution, eventually you will have to share the key with clients. Assuming the game has been compromised with an injector, it's still easy to get away with your scripts.

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Nope, Arma 3 is a military sandbox and not a civilian life simulator, no kidding. This is clearly stated at Arma 3's Steam Store Page so maybe, just maybe it's you're the one who "does not get Arma at all". ;)


Lol I meant, that Altis Life is it's own gamemode, and either you like the mainstream gamer mod or dont like it. Altis life has nothing to do with the war simulation arma ... that is why I said, either you like that or not. But still has nothing to do with anything related to the topic ... please think again when posting

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If clients need the key, you MUST send it to them so they can decrypt.  If you keep the key server-side and decrypt there, then there would be no point in encrypting in the first place as the code is safe out of their hands.  You might as well send them the string, and not bother to encode it in the first place

It's weakness is the same as my solution, eventually you will have to share the key with clients. Assuming the game has been compromised with an injector, it's still easy to get away with your scripts.

Yeah, but I suspect that sending a short string is (slightly) better performance-wise than sending a dozen of decrypted scripts to every client.

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LOL the OP wants to protect what a variation of someone else's mission/work/design :) that he and a few friends added a few new scripts to the overall mission design. At the end of the day it is still not your mission design how can you not see that. Bohemia allows us to use there stuff to build on this game platform so they can develop a better product based on community content this is the way is has been since OFP days.


For the people who are taking about pirates really get a grip how the hell is this pirates when the bohemia allows us to edit they're content and play it online and post it to the net for others. The main issue I see it is all ego driven. The OP/others want to have the most popular server and if someone else gets a copy of they're  modified version of a mission and makes it better or plays it how there want to play it upsets/bothers them LMFAO.

It's a F game don't worry what other people do just go play life on your server lol and have fun telling that 12 year he can't have that car or use that weapon :rolleyes:


If you do happened to make a new original game mode, script or mod don't worry the majority of this community will know it's your work and give you credit for it. If you still don't want it open to the public don't release it and just play it on a close server like most of the paramilitary clans do .  I understand Playing on a close server will not feed into your ego I understand :D.


My point is this goes against what this community was build on and the main framework that Bohemia allows us to play this one of a kind game with the focus on sharing content and building missions in a true open sandbox environment that allows each player to play how they want to play.


Your stance on stealing other people's intellectual property is rather cute; the way you diminish the work and effort some people put into their creations. It shouldn't matter if the OP contributed 5% or 95% towards the mission. If he wants it protected from the immoral section of the Arma community, who outright infringe and steal other people's work without a morsel of regret, then why shouldn't he? Also, you'll find that the majority of people who 'use' other people's work are not competent enough to make it themselves, hence they resort to stealing it, without any intentions of learning from it. The 'life' section of the Arma community is especially ruthless and unforgiving when it comes down to stealing.


Let's just respect people's wishes.

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If it wasn't for the openness of this community, I would literally know nothing about coding. Reading through scripts and seeing how others did things is the way I learned how Arma and games work in general. I believe people interested in making mods or hosting servers with their motive being making money, should go elsewhere. I do however think it's ok to ask for donations and have donated a few times myself. But what happens when server owners take donations for hosting others content? (It is work and cost money to host and admin a server) What happens still when they don't give credit or worse, pass it off as their own? It is definitely a complicated situation, but it is made much worse by people who are in it just for the money. With armas growing popularity I would hate for it to continue this way and fear for the communities future.

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Bis could create a special compiler that encrypt the PBO files and insert a special  server heartbeat script 

monitized server owners pay's for a subscription package for the  use and running  those special encrypted files .... win win for every body

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I think there is an argument to be made that once things are "protected" it will become very difficult to pinpoint when code has been used in a dishonest way. If someone takes code and no one can look at it then it becomes a he said/they said game and I doubt BIS want to be moderating that fiasco.

I can think of a number of example where authors found their work by looking through code and those people are quickly outed.

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@ Mrcopyright it is not my stance on stealing it's my stance on not sharing.

Once again sharing has been the Arma community motto since its conception from bohemia with an editor to make our own missions and with access to open source commands to make our own content for the game.

The thing is the life game mode has been around since OFP days as well as Border Patrol lol yes the game mode has changed and developed over the years but the game mode is basically the same. The scripts and mod that make up the game mode is most likely taking from other life servers and other game modes for sure. I for one will never play life not my cup of tea for Arma game.

How can you call it stealing when the concept has been around since 2001. The scripts are just a bunch of Code lines that Bohemia allows us to have access to make variations. Arma is basically virtual Legos.

It's like saying that no one in your kindergarten class can make the plane you made with the Lego blocks because you come up with it first. Lol the thing is you don't acknowledge that someone else three years prior to you making your plane made almost the same plane allowing the knowledge to be passed down so you could make your plane and play with it the way you want to play with it.

I am not judging how people play Arma what I am judging is how people are complaining about others stealing things that are not fully their own creations. It is a sum of other people's work based on Bohemia creation and their openness to allow access to command codes and editing tools that allow us the community to make more content for the game.

Sorry this is just a pet peeve of mine for a very long time!

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Right now,i use server side functions that i call on the client,so players will have only a bunch of calls without contents. And except a few things is working well

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The other thing is there is nothing wrong with a server owner asking for money for the operation cost of the server military clans do this all the time. So you are paying to play in one way or another. Basically you are really paying for the environment of the server not for the content.

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But AVIBIRD, you're devaluing coding/scripting as a whole. You are essentially saying that because anyone can, in theory, come up with the same code as you, it's not worthy of protecting?. Should AAA game developers not be allowed to copyright their work? Should Intel not be allowed to copyright their work? Should BI not be allowed to copyright their work? Because going along with your theory, anyone could end up with the same product as all of these companies without 'stealing'.

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As I see it, there are two options:


1. Don't release your mission (hence, it will not be stolen)

2. Release it, unprotected, and put in a copyright notice that says something in the lines of "Not allowed to modify and redistribute".


The reason: ANY method you come up with to protect your stuff will be broken at one point. Not worth the effort, and let me tell you that from the viewpoint of a software developer who had his share of problems with piracy.

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Takes me back to that SP1 update for windows, vista i think, where the sp1 was going to make it so pirated copies wouldnt work or couldnt update... and yet the crack was out 3 days b4 sp1 was even released..


just makes it a sweeter nut to crack for those inclined in that direction...

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 win win for every body


The day encrypted PBOs are introduced will be a day the whole Arma community lost their soul. I can hardly see a "win win for everybody" there.

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+1 for varanon.

@MRcopyright you are missing the whole point my friend. It's not our code it's Bohemias and Bohemia allows us the community to have access and the ability to add it to the game engine for us to use and share. How about bohemia stops this and makes us pay for any added content to their game. Yes that is a win win for us for sure.

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somebody first wrote 


{_x setdamage 1} foreach allunits;


so some of you guys are saying that no one else can use that line because thats stealing someone else,s code

where do you draw the line at what is yours and what is BIS owned.


I look at other peoples code all the time, I dont use much as i mostly write it better and in FSM

but where else can you find things out like



_value = empty array;

if (count array > 0) then {_value = array};


_value = if (count array > 0) then {array}else{empty array};


_value = if (count array > 0) then [{array},{empty array}];



all do the same thing and there is not like there is a book to find this kinda stuff out.


sharing helps pass on your knowledge to people that have their own knowledge who in turn pass it on also


and we all end up with better Missions to play for free.


everyone learnt from someone else either directly or indirectly (by looking at their code) 


If you can encrypt it someone can un-encrypt it

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