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Eden Revive option under MP respawn option?

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Hi all, how does the revive option under :attributes>multiplayer>respawn>revive option function? Is it possible to set it so that player can be revived by medic only? 

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I have got this to work with a Fallujah ACE3,ALive mission by creating a description.ext and putting the appropriate settings into this. I cannot get respawn to work at all using just EDEN. Maybe with the Apex update they will actually fix this. So a description.ext is the way to go.

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I have got this to work with a Fallujah ACE3,ALive mission by creating a description.ext and putting the appropriate settings into this. I cannot get respawn to work at all using just EDEN. Maybe with the Apex update they will actually fix this. So a description.ext is the way to go.


Problem is you'll have to add ACE which adds the revive script, for now i have to add BTC revive to my mission. Was hoping Eden had a revive option that actually worked and is configurable. End game revive looks really great but it nullifies the medic slots

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Problem is you'll have to add ACE which adds the revive script, for now i have to add BTC revive to my mission. Was hoping Eden had a revive option that actually worked and is configurable. End game revive looks really great but it nullifies the medic slots


Eden's revive option is the same one from End Game.  Any one can revive and time is halved for players with a medikit.

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Eden's revive option is the same one from End Game.  Any one can revive and time is halved for players with a medikit.


Restriction to revive by medics only (or other predefined classes) is still a highly requested feature thought.

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New Apex revive seems to allow reviving options by Medic, all with medikit, all with firstAidKit... great!

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