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Nick Seafort

Find vehicle current inventory level, and what determines cargo capacity?

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Hi all, I've been digging through the A3 files, Biki, BIS forums and google for these but not found satisfactory answers yet. My issue is that I'm trying to add a bit to a current GUI I've been building to allow both loading preset groups of items into a vehicle's inventory (e.g. some AT, patrol supplies, or medical gear), and loading crates into a vehicle with ACE logistics. The ACE logistics side of it seems trivial, and early tests have worked just as expected... but I've run into a complete stop with the vanilla side of things.


Scenario: I have a vehicle with unknown cargo capacity, filled with an unknown selection of gear. I wish to load a selection of items in to the cargo, but need to check whether there is enough space to hold the selection before loading.


Issue: I can't find a function that returns the current inventory fill. I know there must bloody be one, though, because the inventory has a cap and a bar displaying loading!



"Load" looks like it should work, but just returns 0 when I try it. I've checked the GUI_F and Functions_F (among most other even tenuously-related folders), but can't see how either the GUI determines how full the bar is or when to block a transfer because the destination container isn't big enough. Can anyone point me in the right direction here please?



Additional: The Blackout/Commanche doesn't seem to have a "MaximumLoad" specified, and nor does anything it inherits from as far as I can see. It's the only helicopter that doesn't, but none of the fixed-wings do either. What config entry is determining the maximum capacity?


Additional 2: Vehicle inventory bars don't always display as fully empty when no items remain in cargo. Is this just a bug in the way the bar displays, or is something wonky at a more fundamental level?

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maximumLoad I think if it's not defined then it will be default 2000 (probably wrong)


canAdd is probably what you're looking for


don't forget ACE's which is ace_cargo_space and to see if it even has cargo ace_cargo_hasCargo

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canAdd is helpful for individual items, but ideally I want to know in advance if I can load the entire group of items or not. Thanks though, I hadn't found that one before!


As for the ACE side of things, I've already got that all in hand but thanks :)

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Maybe this:

    0 / _vehicleClass / STRING / Vehicle classname   
    1 / _itemsArray / ARRAY / Items array format [["arifle_MXC_f",2],["ItemMap",10]]

HG_doesItFit =

    _maxLoad = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleClass >> "maximumLoad");    
    _totalMass = 0;
    _return = false;    

        _itemClass = [(_x select 0)] call HG_getConfig;       
        _mass = getNumber(configFile >> _itemClass >> (_x select 0) >> "mass");        
        _count = (_x select 1);        
        _totalMass = (_mass * _count) + _totalMass;    
    } forEach _itemsArray;    

    if(_totalMass > _maxLoad) then    
        _return = false;    
    } else {        
        _return = true;    
HG_getConfig = 

    switch true do    
        case(isClass(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)): {"CfgWeapons"};        
        case(isClass(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _item)): {"CfgMagazines"};        
        case(isClass(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _item)): {"CfgVehicles"};    

To call it:

_doesItFit = [_vehicleClass,_itemsArray] call HG_doesItFit;

Returns false when it doesn't fit and true if it does.

Dont know if this is what you're looking for tho :x

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That looks like pretty much exactly what I intend - I'd really hoped to find there was a native command for this, but I reckon I'll have to go the route of manually calculating it each time. Thanks :)

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Just for the readability and usage purposes, I'd rename this to hasEnoughSpace ;) Perhaps that's just me, but it seems easier to remember.

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Sorry, didn't make it clear - I'm striking out in a slightly different direction and working from scratch, but was appreciative of having my suspicions effectively confirmed. And bonus marks for someone willing to stump-up some reasonably nice code in response to an open question :)

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