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The ofp world coordinate system

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For those of you who like this sort of thing, and may have wondered:

The OFP World Coordinate System is the same as the GIS local geodetic cartesian coordinate system "East-North-Up". That is, we have X going (positive) East, Y going (positive) North and Z going (positive) Up. It is a right-handed coordinate system.

A related (very similar) coordinate system often used in aeronautical engineering is "North-East-Down". It is also right-handed. Here, we have X going (positive) North, Y going (positive) East and Z going (positive) Down.

You may wonder why, in the latter case, Z is positive for Down. It seems odd, doesn't it? Well, one reason is to do with making a practical compromise. If you strictly comply with the rules of right-handedness when it comes to rotating objects (or vectors) around the axes of the right-handed East-North-Up coordinate system, you find that specifying a positive yaw angle makes the vehicle's nose go left. This is counter-intuitive - because most of us would say that a positive yaw should make the nose go right, just as a vehicle's compass heading increases as the vehicle is turned to the right.

NED solves this. A yaw to the right is positive. However, at the expense of "reversing" the Z axis. So Up becomes Down.

So, it's worth bearing the following in mind if you produce any scripts which use Euler Angles or Quaternions to rotate vectors:


Yaw nose left is positive.

Pitch nose up is positive.

Roll left wing up is positive.


Yaw nose right is positive.

Pitch nose up is positive.

Roll left wing up is positive.


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I'm not gonna even try to have an input on that.

But it makes me think, the technology for this game in particular{no other game has even close to the dynamics of OFP} is pretty advanced isn't it?

Are we seeing a pioneer for future WAR like scenarios?

Imagine with Higher intelligence comes a grester appreciation for life and yet winning is still important. So wars become like chess games. You all live in the end but it was still a competitive match in which one side sustained serious loss. tounge.gif

I'm high and not re-reading

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