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Display and record time for MP use

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I have found a couple things on displaying the time, looking to try and modify this for multiplayer use. Wanting to start the clock, and freeze it to record the time and being displayed globally for all to see.
have come across this as a base

_seconds = 0;

_secondsTemp = 0;

_minutes = 0;

_hours = 0;


while {true} do


	_timer = [] spawn


		uiSleep 1; //uiSleep uses system time rather than in-game timekeeping (which is tied to framerate) and is therefore more accurate


	_seconds = _seconds + 1;

	_hours = floor (_seconds / 3600);

	_minutes = floor((_seconds - (_hours * 3600)) / 60);

	_secondsTemp = floor (_seconds - (_hours * 3600) - (_minutes * 60));

	if (_hours < 10) then


		_hours = "0" + (str _hours);


	if (_minutes < 10) then


		_minutes = "0" + (str _minutes);


	if (_secondsTemp < 10) then


		_secondsTemp = "0" + (str _secondsTemp);



	waitUntil {scriptDone _timer}; //all math should be done before before the script has finished,

	//this prevents the CPU from simply sitting idle and then wasting time number crunching when it should be displaying information


	hint format ["%1:%2:%3", _hours, _minutes, _secondsTemp]; //after script is finished then the proper amount of time has passed, display the info


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if (isServer) then
    [] spawn
        //insert the script

Change :
hint format ["%1:%2:%3", _hours, _minutes, _secondsTemp];
_txt = format ["%1:%2:%3", _hours, _minutes, _secondsTemp];
_txt remoteExecCall ["hintSilent", -2]; //hint to everyone execpt server. for testing maybe use 0 instead of -2

You will only see a effect in MP and I don't know if uisleep works on the server.

I would also recommend to modify the script and leave out the seconds since it'll be a lot of traffic.

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