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So i saw a video a couple of days ago where the player that controled zeus has access to thermal vison. After a google search i found this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17794 on the Arma 3 feedback website.


I tried multiple times to get it to work but no progress, so i went in the editor and looked up the function in the function viewer. This is what i got from it.



    Author: Karel Moricky

    Set which vision modes curator can access
    Supported modes are:
        -2: NVG
        -1: Normal
        0,1,...: Thermal (number represents type, see SetCamUseTi scripting command)

        0: OBJECT - curator
        1: ARRAY of NUMBERs


private ["_curator","_modes","_modesFiltered"];
_curator = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param;
_modes = [_this,1,[-1],[[]]] call bis_fnc_param;

//--- Filter modes (make sure they are numbers)
_modesFiltered = [];
    _mode = [_modes,_foreachindex,-3,[0]] call bis_fnc_paramIn;
    _mode = round _mode;
    if (_mode > -3 && _mode < 8 && !(_mode in _modesFiltered)) then {_modesFiltered set [count _modesFiltered,_mode];};
} foreach _modes;
if (count _modesFiltered == 0) then {_modesFiltered = [-1];};

//--- Save
_curator setvariable ["bis_fnc_curatorVisionModes_modes",_modesFiltered,true];

//--- Refresh current mode if it's no longer supported
if !(isnull curatorcamera) then {
    [_curator,0] call bis_fnc_toggleCuratorVisionMode;



I have tried a couple of things but nothing has worked yet. If anyone knows how to get this to work that would be great. Hopefully it will also help other mission makers in the future.

Thanks in advance for any help or tips i get.

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if (isServer) then { {[_x, [-1, -2, 2]] call bis_fnc_setCuratorVisionModes;} forEach allCurators; };


works for me perfectly fine. Zeus has usually three vision modes: normal, NVG and thermalWH. If you're using ACE³ for example, the Thermal-mode is being disabled by ACE. Just put this code into the init.sqf and it should work again.

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Thanks belbo i got it to work with that line of code. Really appreciate the help. I have one question though is its supposed to have a green tint over all of it? If not is it possible to change it to the normal nato thermalWH?


Never mind that last bit, i figured it out.


For reference for anyone in the future if you change the third number in the sequence(2) to a 0 you will get the normal Nato ThermalWH


if (isServer) then { {[_x, [-1, -2, 2]] call bis_fnc_setCuratorVisionModes;} forEach allCurators; };


This gives you a greenish thermal mode.


if (isServer) then { {[_x, [-1, -2, 0]] call bis_fnc_setCuratorVisionModes;} forEach allCurators; };


This gives you the normal ThermalWH.

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In that regard I can only recommend the Biki, it's almost all there. ;)

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Much better way I have set this up is to make a ZEUS Game Master Module and place this in the init:

[this, [-1, -2, 0]] call bis_fnc_setcuratorvisionmodes;


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