Aniallator 164 Posted February 3, 2016 I'm new to modding and would like to get into it, and was wondering... is anyone willing to explain or provide a link to somewhere that explains how to create and add a flag to a vehicle, as in the below image? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gc8 977 Posted February 3, 2016 I dont know about modding but you could use attachTo script command to attach the flag to the tank. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted February 5, 2016 Give people time to see and read the post. I am doing some research into flags and may have something in the upcoming weeks. There appears to be a way to do it but I'm not there yet. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aniallator 164 Posted February 6, 2016 Give people time to see and read the post. I am doing some research into flags and may have something in the upcoming weeks. There appears to be a way to do it but I'm not there yet. Okay thanks, I appreciate it! If it's a hassle don't feel obligated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kasio.magas 2 Posted July 24, 2016 if !(isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_CheckedVehicles","_NewVehicles","_VehType_btr60","_VehType_btr70","_VehType_btr80","_VehType_m113"]; _VehType_btr60 = [ "rhsgref_ins_g_btr60", "rhsgref_cdf_btr60", "rhsgref_ins_btr60", "rhs_btr60_msv", "rhs_btr60_vdv", "rhs_btr60_vv", "rhsgref_cdf_b_btr60" ]; _VehType_btr70 = [ "rhsgref_ins_g_btr70", "rhsgref_cdf_btr70", "rhsgref_un_btr70", "rhsgref_nat_btr70", "rhs_btr70_msv", "rhs_btr70_vv", "rhs_btr70_vv", "rhsgref_cdf_b_btr70", "rhsgref_ins_btr70", "rhs_btr70_vdv" ]; _VehType_btr80 = [ "rhs_btr80_msv", "rhs_btr80a_msv", "rhs_btr80_vdv", "rhs_btr80a_vmf", "rhs_btr80_vv", "rhs_btr80a_vv" ]; _VehType_m113 = [ "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy_supply", "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy", "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy_M240", "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy_medical", "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy_MK19", "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy_unarmed", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy_supply", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy_M240", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy_medical", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy_MK19", "rhsusf_m113_usarmy_unarmed" ]; SQ_Veh_Remove_Flag = { if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_veh"]; _veh = _this select 0; if !(isNull _veh) then { { deleteVehicle _x; } count (nearestObjects [_veh, ["rhs_Flag_chdkz"], 3]); }; }; SQ_Attach_Veh_Flags = { if !(isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_veh","_Flag","_flagtexture"]; _Veh = _this select 0; _Veh addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {[_this select 0] spawn SQ_Veh_Remove_Flag}}]; _Flag = "rhs_Flag_chdkz" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _flagtexture = ""; if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Veh) >> "side") == 0) then { _flagtexture = "\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_main\data\Flag_rus_CO.paa"; }; if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Veh) >> "side") == 1) then { _flagtexture = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_us_CO.paa"; }; if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Veh) >> "side") == 2) then { _flagtexture = "\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_cti_indep\flag_chdkz_co.paa"; }; if (_Veh in (nearestObjects [_Veh, _VehType_btr60, 3])) then { _Flag attachTo [_Veh, [0.8,-2.5,1.3]]; }; if (_Veh in (nearestObjects [_Veh, _VehType_btr70, 3])) then { _Flag attachTo [_Veh, [0.1,-3.5,1.4]]; }; if (_Veh in (nearestObjects [_Veh, _VehType_btr80, 3])) then { _Flag attachTo [_Veh, [0.4,-4,2]]; }; if (_Veh in (nearestObjects [_Veh, _VehType_m113, 3])) then { _Flag attachTo [_Veh, [1.7,-2,0.6]]; }; _Flag setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.66,0.40],[0,0.40,0.66]]; _Flag setFlagTexture _flagtexture; }; {[_x] call SQ_Attach_Veh_Flags;}foreach Vehicles; _CheckedVehicles = Vehicles; _NewVehicles = []; while{true}do { sleep 1; _NewVehicles = []; _NewVehicles = Vehicles - _CheckedVehicles; if(Count _NewVehicles > 0) then { { [_x] call SQ_Attach_Veh_Flags; _CheckedVehicles = _CheckedVehicles + [_x]; uisleep 0.2; } foreach _NewVehicles; }; }; 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites