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[CODE SNIPPET] Extracting full classes from config

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Hello! It has been a long time since I have made a code snippet!
I am going to start making a GUI tutorial soon (maybe a series) but I don't like several of the things I had to do when I started learning about GUI's in Arma. Like many, I read and followed Iceman77's guide (and even had the privilege of having him in my teamspeak server multiple times), and bangabob's video tutorial. However, these required you to download/copy some files that had been already created for you. For a long time while I was learning, I did not realize the freedom that was available to me. Of course, a fair amount of my misunderstanding was probably due to naivete with the engine. However, in my tutorial series I want to express how much freedom one has and teach people not to be scared of searching for information and trying new things, not just follow a guide. So to prevent having to provide some file(s) that won't teach the viewer anything, I wanted to write a function that will allow them to "export" a config straight from the game, using BIS's default values.
Note: This function must be compiled using the functions library with the Tag "DREAD" and the name "copyConfigClass" to work properly. As it is a recursive function, if you want to compile it with a different name, you will have to edit the self-call within the function yourself. The easiest way to use this script is to compile it using the functions library, using the names I have listed previously.
So without further delay, here's my script:

// Function file for Armed Assault 3 //
//     Created by: DreadedEntity     //
//                                   //
//         FUNCTIONS LIBRARY         //
//Tag = DREAD  Name = copyConfigClass//

		_partialClass = [config] call DREAD_fnc_copyConfigClass;
		config: TYPE - Config | Anything that is not a config class is rejected.
			HOWEVER, it is possible to save the result outside of the function, to run it multiple times
				_textBoxClass = [configFile >> "RscText"] call DREAD_fnc_copyConfigClass;
				_listBoxClass = [configFile >> "RscListBox"] call DREAD_fnc_copyConfigClass;
				_buttonClass = [configFile >> "RscButton"] call DREAD_fnc_copyConfigClass;
		Outputs a full class definition, even returning subclasses and their attributes, and it's nicely formatted with tabs. I'm such a god.

private ["_parents","_numTabs","_numParams","_param","_newConfig","_params"];

	_tabs = "";
	for "_t" from 1 to _this do
		_tabs = _tabs + (toString [9]);

if (!isClass (_this select 0)) exitWith {"Input Was Not A Class"};

_newLine = toString [13, 10];
_parents = [_this select 0] call BIS_fnc_returnParents;

_numTabs = _this param [1, 0, [0]];

_output = _this param [2, "", [""]];
_output = _output + (_numTabs call _MAKE_TABS) + "class " + (configName (_this select 0)) + _newLine + (_numTabs call _MAKE_TABS) + "{" + _newline;

_params = [];
	_numParams = (count _x) - 1;
	for "_i" from 0 to _numParams do
		_param = configName (_x select _i);
		_newConfig = (_this select 0) >> _param;
		if (isClass _newConfig) then
			_output = [_newConfig, _numTabs + 1, _output] call DREAD_fnc_copyConfigClass;
		} else
			_newParam = _param;
			_data = nil;
			switch (true) do
				case (isNumber _newConfig):
					_data = getNumber _newConfig;
				case (isText _newConfig):
					_data = str(getText _newConfig);
				case (isArray _newConfig):
					_newParam = _newParam + "[]";
					_data = str(getArray _newConfig);
					_data = "{" + (_data select [1, (count _data) - 2]) + "}";
			if (_params find _param == -1) then
				_output = _output + ((_numTabs + 1) call _MAKE_TABS) + format["%1 = %2;%3", _newParam, _data, _newLine];
				_params pushBack _param;
} forEach _parents;
_output = _output + (_numTabs call _MAKE_TABS) + "};" + _newline;
copyToClipboard _output;

Lastly, I'd like to thank the person who wrote the code for the Splendid Config Viewer; whose code was so bloated and unreadable I experienced the greatest headache of my life from reading it, and probably got cancer.

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That's why I am dialog retarded, I care about my health...


I really wait with expectation those tuts. My dialogs are near shit.

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As it is a recursive function, if you want to compile it with a different name, you will have to edit the self-call within the function yourself.



Ha, that bring back memories of the TS channel and recursive functions -  always with the private array!  ;)


Good job there mate  :)

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Lastly, I'd like to thank the person who wrote the code for the Splendid Config Viewer; whose code was so bloated and unreadable I experienced the greatest headache of my life from reading it, and probably got cancer.


You're welcome ;)

Honestly, trying to replicate tree structure in a listbox gave me headaches too (this is long before commands for tree operations were introduced).

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Ha, that bring back memories of the TS channel and recursive functions -  always with the private array!  ;)


Good job there mate  :)

Oh the good ol' days of the Scripters' Lounge, learned a lot and had some fun along with it :D.

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Oh the good ol' days of the Scripters' Lounge, learned a lot and had some fun along with it :D.


Is SL dead now?  I was thinking about it the other day, if it's still going, let me know the login - would be good to catch up with you guys again  :)

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That's why I am dialog retarded, I care about my health...


I really wait with expectation those tuts. My dialogs are near shit.

Going to start soon!


You're welcome ;)

Honestly, trying to replicate tree structure in a listbox gave me headaches too (this is long before commands for tree operations were introduced).

It really was a headache trying to understand what was going on! The bit about cancer was more tongue-in-cheek  :P . You always take shots in stride though.

I do have one question for you, I think I have noticed a few scripts/functions of yours that are written recursively with a unique parameter and a switch for functionality. Is there any reason you make them this way? Any other benefits other than keeping the code to one file?


Is SL dead now?  I was thinking about it the other day, if it's still going, let me know the login - would be good to catch up with you guys again   :)

I'm always in one teamspeak or another, PM me, I'd love to chat sometime

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