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im trying to spawn ai on a marker pos but a random place around it ie 500m just say. My marker is named mark1 my script is this. nothing is spawning.

_pos = getMarkerPos (_this select 0);
_enemiesArray = [grpNull];
for "_i" from 0 to PARAMS_UpsSquadsPatrol do {
_randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mark1", 500],_dt],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
   _spawnGroup = [_randomPos, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
  [_spawnGroup, _pos, 400] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;
_enemiesArray = _enemiesArray + [_spawnGroup];

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Better than that I will tell you how to know what's happening.


Google the following: "where is arma 3 .rpt"


Go for the folder.


Try the mission.


Open the newest .rpt file.


It will tell you what's failing (most of the times)

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Mark1 needs to be in quotations:

getMarkerPos "Mark1"
And as stated above, the rpt file should catch stuff like that and/or turn on showScriptErrors too see them in realtime.

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i forgot to add that part 


15:01:51 "Reading main init.sqf"
15:01:51 Error in expression <oup","_i","_dt"];
_pos = getMarkerPos (_this select 0);
_enemiesArray = [grpNu>
15:01:51   Error position: <_this select 0);
_enemiesArray = [grpNu>
15:01:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: _this

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In your case it will say something like:

error in getMarkerPos Mark1

expected string


So you will guess you forgot to put your marker name in "string"

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i forgot to add that part 

15:01:51 "Reading main init.sqf"
15:01:51 Error in expression <oup","_i","_dt"];
_pos = getMarkerPos (_this select 0);
_enemiesArray = [grpNu>
15:01:51   Error position: <_this select 0);
_enemiesArray = [grpNu>
15:01:51   Error Undefined variable in expression: _this


That means you haven't passed arguments to your script, so _this contains nothing.


Seems the script you posted and the script giving error are not the same, isn't it?

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this is the error im getting now after adding "mark1"


16:27:56 Error in expression <ust be a Group!"; false};if ((typeName _pos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugL>16:27:56   Error position: <_pos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugL>16:27:56   Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos16:27:56 File A3\functions_f\spawning\fn_taskDefend.sqf, line 2616:27:56 Error in expression <all BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroup, _pos, 400] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;_en>16:27:56   Error position: <_pos, 400] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;_en>16:27:56   Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos

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We are very fast :)


Ok, I asume you are puting this code in init.sqf


Init.sqf is a script which the engine executes automatically, thus you cannot pass arguments to it.


Arguments passed to any script is that _this variable


So, assuming you have somewhere a marker, and has a name (let's say "myMarker") just changing _this selec 0 by "myMarker" will make the code pass that error.

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@barbolani & jshock thank you both for the help this is what i have now, just one last question do i need if (!isServer) exitWith {}


if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_pos = getMarkerPos "mark1";
for "_i" from 0 to PARAMS_UpsSquadsPatrol do 
        _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mark1", 500]],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
        _spawnGroup = [_randomPos, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
       [_spawnGroup, _pos, 400] call Bis_fnc_taskPatrol;
sleep 0.5;
if(DEBUG) then
_name = format ["%1%2",name (leader _spawnGroup),_i];
createMarker [_name,getPos (leader _spawnGroup)];
_name setMarkerShape "Icon";
            _name setMarkerType "mil_dot"; 
_name setMarkerText format ["Squad %1",_i];
_name setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
[_spawnGroup,_name] spawn
_group = _this select 0;
_marker = _this select 1;
while{count (units _group) > 0} do
_marker setMarkerPos (getPos (leader _group));
sleep 0.1;
deleteMarker _marker;

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Yea I would recommend running this on the server only.

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just have a simple question what does the 500 do which is next to mark1 and also the 400 next to call Bis_fnc_taskPatrol


_randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mark1", 500]],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
[_spawnGroup, _pos, 400] call Bis_fnc_taskPatrol;

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