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Weird issue: Scripts running slow as of lately

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This is really weird.

I run pretty basic simple scripts that adds gear and stuff to boxes and cars. Lately I have noticed that those scripts run very slow, maybe the correct word is "lagging".

Mods used are the RHS mods, CUP Terrains, Alive and ACE3.


For example in run this at the start of my mission:

execVM "carsandboxes_loadout.sqf";    ///Removes default gear in cargo of cars and ammoboxes and replaces it with other stuff.
sleep 10;
[rank player, name player] call BIS_fnc_infoText;
sleep 3;
["C R O S S R O A D S", ""] call BIS_fnc_infoText;
sleep 3; 
["Central","T A K I S T A N", str(date select 2) + "." + str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 0)] call BIS_fnc_infoText;

The first string of infoText runs normal. But when it comes to the second row it runs really slow, one letter appearing at a time slowly.

Then it feels like all the scripts for the rest of the mission also run slow.


This also runs slow (the animation lingers for a long time):

["TaskSucceeded",["","Location cleared."]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;

Yesterday played with my friends we were waiting for a helicopter to come extract us after a battle.

I put a "sleep 600" command before the helicopter should spawn. This worked flawlessly a couple of weeks ago.

Yesterday the helicopter never came. It is like the sleep 600 command had become a sleep 10000 or something. We gave up after 40 minutes of waiting.

I have also seen this when I spawn three groups of enemy AI with a "sleep 20;" command between each spawn. I counted to 35 before the next group started spawning in, not 20 as I put in.


I did some detective-work and found that if I removed "[group this, getPos this] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;" from all my enemy AI groups the scripts lagged less, but it is still running slow.


However, I cannot solve it.



Have anyone else noticed something like this?

Is it something wrong with my scripts maybe?

Is it something weird with the mods lately?

Is it an Arma-update that messed something up?






EDIT 1: Nevermind, I found the solution just now.

I had a mod activated that I wasn't aware of, simple as that.

The Swedish Forces Pack-mod does something strange to my game.


EDIT 2: ...Aaaand now they fixed it.

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