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Lets group together and get to the bottom of Micro Stutter!!!!!

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Is there anyway we can get all the info on how to fix Micro Stutter into one thread? Maybe even a sticky. I am not exactly a computer wiz and reading through all the possible fixes blows my mind. It would be awesome if we had a list of possible fixes that way we could just go through and check the list off.


Anyway, I get the stutter about once ever 10-20 seconds where it freezes for a split second. 


About a year ago I had the same problem and shut down my Catalyst Control background process and another back ground process and it resolved the issue. This time I have shut down Catalyst Control but I dont see any other background process that is using much CPU. 


Also, when Arma 3 is running I noticed my Memory or Disk (cant remember which one) says it is 99% sometimes 100%.


If I disable most of my Norton Antivirus it seems to help. But for some reason there is no option to completely shut Norton down, just some features I can disable. I am considering totally uninstalling Norton to see what happens.


I am unsure on my exact specs but I know I have an i5 something with a decent graphics card and 8gb of Ram. When I get the time I will check my exact specs and post them.

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An old generic fix is to "repair"  NetFramework found in 'installed programs'.

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