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I´m trying to figure out if it would be possible to connect the super sonic "bullet crack" sound effect to a visual effect for the player.  i.e. bullet passes head at 1-2 m distance and the sonic crack produces a very light blackening or similar suitable effect for the player.


The idea is to make the player more aware of that he is being shot at but not add any too impairing effects.


Can anyone say if this is even feasible if I just find the correct sounds?

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52 minutes ago, jone_kone said:


I´m trying to figure out if it would be possible to connect the super sonic "bullet crack" sound effect to a visual effect for the player.  i.e. bullet passes head at 1-2 m distance and the sonic crack produces a very light blackening or similar suitable effect for the player.


The idea is to make the player more aware of that he is being shot at but not add any too impairing effects.


Can anyone say if this is even feasible if I just find the correct sounds?


Hey dude,


I did a mod for this a while back which will be re-done _sometime_.



Feel free to look into the code!

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On 2018. 09. 10. at 11:26 AM, peteweir said:

Awesome! Yeah I figured that might be an issue, I'm planning on using this technique on an ac130 so the external cameras fairly far away, hopefully should be alright, would be cool if you could get it setup in a tank so when you're turned out you hear the external sounds. BTW big fan of your sound mod, awesome work!


Got it working nicely last night, thanks for the info

Mmmhhh.... those good old times. The times of exploration.


edit: I just want to remind BI to concentrate on this: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126898

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I'm looking for where ArmA defines the sound rain makes (attempting to disable it). I can't find it in CfgWorlds, is it shared across all maps?


If anyone knows it would be most helpful.


edit: I've now tried:

class CfgEnvSounds {
	class Rain {
	name = "Rain";
    	sound[] = {"", 0, 0};
    	volume = 0;
class EnvSounds: EnvSounds {
	class Rain {
	name = "Rain";
    	sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\dummysound", 0, 1, 0};
    	soundNight[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\dummysound", 0, 1, 0};

The latter nested inside CfgWorlds > class Altis


edit: I opted for

enableEnvironment [false, false];

In the mission's init.sqf instead. This disables all environmental effects - the second item in the array refers to sounds, the former is wildlife I believe.

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Hello, sorry for the necro. I am having some trouble with a simple audio replacement. I'm trying to replace the sound of the RPG-7 (Apex) with my own sound file. However it will only play the vanilla sound. I've got the .wss in a pbo file that I've gotten the other parts of working. What am I doing wrong with the audio?


class CFGWeapons {
	class CUP_arifle_G36C_VFG;
	class CUP_arifle_G36C_VFG_PEQ_ZDDOT : CUP_arifle_G36C_VFG
		author = "Sir Faffles";
		class LinkedItems
			class LinkedItemsOptic
				slot = "CowsSlot";
				item = "CUP_optic_ZDDot";
			class LinkedItemAcc
				slot = "PointerSlot";
				item = "CUP_acc_ANPEQ_15_Black_Top";
	class launch_RPG7_F
		sound[] = { "Data\sound.wss", 1, 1, 800 };
class CfgPatches {
	class unit_config {
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR"};
class CfgFactionClasses
	class a_units
		displayName = "PLACEHOLDER";
		author = "Sir Faffles";
		icon = "D:\Animation\iconfinder_Alien_132702.png"; // Needs to be 16x16 in resolution and it needs to be in the form of a PAA.
		priority = 2;
		side = 2; // Indy
class CfgVehicleClasses
	class army_units
		displayName = "PLACEHOLDER"; // Rename to what you want the sub group of the faction will be. You can have multiple subfactions (VehicleClasses) as long as the class name of the VehicleClass is different. Makes it work with zeus
class CfgVehicles {
	class B_Soldier_base_F;
        class Army_Squadleader : B_Soldier_base_F {
		_generalMacro = "Army_Squadleader"; 
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Squadleader"; // In-game name of unit
		faction = a_units; // Puts unit under new faction
		vehicleClass = "army_units"; // Puts unit in the vehicleclass
		icon = "iconManLeader";
		nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";  
		uniformClass = "CUP_U_B_BAF_DPM_UBACSTSHIRTKNEE";  // Uniform Class
		backpack = "UK3CB_BAF_B_Kitbag_DPMW"; // Backpack Class
		Items[] = { "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_fieldDressing" };
		linkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_B_BAF_DPM_Osprey_Mk3_Officer", "CUP_H_USArmy_HelmetMICH_earpro_wdl", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch",  "ItemRadio"}; // Item's added to the unit. 
		respawnLinkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_B_BAF_DPM_Osprey_Mk3_Officer", "CUP_H_USArmy_HelmetMICH_earpro_wdl", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"}; // Item's added to the unit. Should be identical to the linkedItems section.
		weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_G36C_VFG_PEQ_ZDDOT", "CUP_hgun_TEC9", "Binocular"}; // Weapons added to the unit.
		respawnweapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_G36C_VFG_PEQ_ZDDOT", "CUP_hgun_TEC9", "Binocular"}; // Weapons added to the unit. Should be identical to the weapons section
		magazines[] = { "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_HandFlare_Green", "ACE_HandFlare_Green", "ACE_HandFlare_Green", "SmokeShellGreen", "SmokeShellGreen",  "SmokeShellGreen" };
		Respawnmagazines[] = { "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "CUP_30Rnd_556x45_G36_hex", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_Chemlight_HiGreen", "ACE_HandFlare_Green", "ACE_HandFlare_Green", "ACE_HandFlare_Green", "SmokeShellGreen", "SmokeShellGreen",  "SmokeShellGreen"};
		side = 2;




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53 minutes ago, Sir Faffles said:

Hello, sorry for the necro. I am having some trouble with a simple audio replacement. I'm trying to replace the sound of the RPG-7 (Apex) with my own sound file. However it will only play the vanilla sound. I've got the .wss in a pbo file that I've gotten the other parts of working. What am I doing wrong with the audio?

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Hey dude,

you are using an old and depreciated way of configuring sounds. A3 uses a new audio system for quite a while now and it will always override the "old" one.

You can find information and examples of the new system here. Be warned, it's not as straightforward as the old way, but a lot more powerful. That being said, megagoth wrote everything in the first post. 😉

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Yeah, sorry for necro this post, but I consider it as a collection of usefull information and ideas to help with sound modding.

My question is: could someone be kind enough to explain how to use the Custom Sound Controllers based on some simple script example? I wonder if the Controller needs to be defined (bound with animation or source animation) once and the game engine will handle it from there, OR said controller have to be updated in a loop? Apart from what can be read on the related wiki website, my understanding is it could be used inside Sound and CfgAnimationSourceSounds classes to trigger and manipulate of a sound. Is that correct?

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5 hours ago, NightIntruder said:

Yeah, sorry for necro this post, but I consider it as a collection of usefull information and ideas to help with sound modding.

My question is: could someone be kind enough to explain how to use the Custom Sound Controllers based on some simple script example? I wonder if the Controller needs to be defined (bound with animation or source animation) once and the game engine will handle it from there, OR said controller have to be updated in a loop? Apart from what can be read on the related wiki website, my understanding is it could be used inside Sound and CfgAnimationSourceSounds classes to trigger and manipulate of a sound. Is that correct?


Hey mate, sure thing - this thread is here to help! 🙂


First and foremost: CustomSoundController work for vehicles only - you can't influence e.g. a gunshot sound, environment sound or explosion sound with them.


With that out the way, let's dig into it:

  1. Your vehicle's soundShader needs to have the customSoundController set up in meaningful way. Let's say you want to do a "regular" engine sound and a "damaged" engine sound.
    1. Regular engine sound would be volume = "1 - CustomSoundController1"
    2. Damaged engine sound would be volume = "CustomSoundController1"
    3. Keep in mind that CustomSoundControllers are context-sensitive. CustomSoundController2 will work, customsoundcontroller2 won't.
  2. CustomSoundControllers need to be set and updated via script(s). They are 0 by default. So once your vehicle gets damaged, we want to change it to 1: setCustomSoundController [MYVEHICLE, "CustomSoundController1", 1];
    1. -> The formula for our regular engine sound will be 1-1, meaning 0, quiet. The formula for our damaged engine sound will be 1, 100% volume.

Hope that helped! 🙂

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Thanks for the thorough explanation, Laxemann! Sure, that helps a lot! One thing comes to my mind tho - what if I work on "old-scheme" sound configuration, not using soundShaders? Will it work that way as well? And the last question - I would like to have controller that is bound with non-damaged engine sound sample. Is that requires to keep the CustomSoundController updated on-each frame (since the running engine may have different speed every fraction of second)? I mean, I would like to control the volume and frequency of the engine sound based on that customcontroller. To be precise, I think about "rpm1RTD" source animation that is available for AFM in chopper, however there is no soundController associated with that specific animation. Can the CustomSourceController be bound with that source of animation or I have to define actual animation driven by the source from my addon as CustomSourceController?


Ps. By the way, I would love to see sort of RTD SoundControllers being implemented directly into the game engine - engines, throttles, even open doors/ramp change drastically sound environment, especially in an aircraft with running engines. All those things are sort of dynamic controllers, they may change themselves quite frequently and smoothly (like doors) so any scripted solution is ... well ...not perfect 😉 

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1 hour ago, NightIntruder said:

Thanks for the thorough explanation, Laxemann! Sure, that helps a lot! One thing comes to my mind tho - what if I work on "old-scheme" sound configuration, not using soundShaders? Will it work that way as well? And the last question - I would like to have controller that is bound with non-damaged engine sound sample. Is that requires to keep the CustomSoundController updated on-each frame (since the running engine may have different speed every fraction of second)? I mean, I would like to control the volume and frequency of the engine sound based on that customcontroller. To be precise, I think about "rpm1RTD" source animation that is available for AFM in chopper, however there is no soundController associated with that specific animation. Can the CustomSourceController be bound with that source of animation or I have to define actual animation driven by the source from my addon as CustomSourceController?


Ps. By the way, I would love to see sort of RTD SoundControllers being implemented directly into the game engine - engines, throttles, even open doors/ramp change drastically sound environment, especially in an aircraft with running engines. All those things are sort of dynamic controllers, they may change themselves quite frequently and smoothly (like doors) so any scripted solution is ... well ...not perfect 😉 


Ah, I see - Well, if you really wanted to make things act in "real time", you'd have to get the animationSource state and then update the CustomSoundController each frame, yes!


One more thing I figured out the hard way: The doppler effect simulation doesn't work well with scripted frequency/pitch values via CustomSoundController.

So as soon as you update the pitch somewhat often, you'll have to disable the doppler effect in the soundSet.

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14 minutes ago, laxemann said:

One more thing I figured out the hard way: The doppler effect simulation doesn't work well with scripted frequency/pitch values via CustomSoundController.

So as soon as you update the pitch somewhat often, you'll have to disable the doppler effect in the soundSet.

That's really unfortunate as the issue is engine sound - wise. But, looking at the bright side - I do not use soundShaders as of yet, so... 😉 Anyway, thank you for your time and the asnwers. It helped a lot to clarify things to me!

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31 minutes ago, NightIntruder said:

That's really unfortunate as the issue is engine sound - wise. But, looking at the bright side - I do not use soundShaders as of yet, so... 😉 Anyway, thank you for your time and the asnwers. It helped a lot to clarify things to me!


Oh, yeah: The "old", non-soundShader way of setting up sounds doesn't support CustomSoundControllers!

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Well, I found that BI's helicopter configs don't have the new sound configuration (soundSets/soundShaders). I guess, there must be a reason for that. Does someone know whether it's just the lack of manpower or things specifically connected with helicopters, like AFM? I've checked the config in AiO.1.98.146373

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While I am still in sound topic 😉, I wonder what the "loop" and "terminate" params are for in the case below? Whenever I open and than close the door, this is over, no more sound played by the door (maybe I did smth wrong with the config below?).
Is the param "loop" refering to a sound (ie. one can loop a sound) or the trigger itself (ie. a sound can be played many times)? In BI's examples I noticed no use of "loop", several examples of using "terminate" which seems to be connected with long mid-action samples like shifting gate. Are those params work with the new soundSets/soundShaders techonology exclusively? Is it possible to loop a sound through use of animationSource/CfgAnimationSourceSounds? Could someone with knowledge be kind enough to shed some light on the topic, please? I've been trying hard for some time but couldn't find relevant information anywhere.

class CfgAnimationSourceSounds
    class door_sound
        class door_open
            loop = 0;
            terminate = 0;
            trigger = "direction * (phase factor[0.01,0.02])";
            sound0[] = {".........\door_open.ogg",2,1,40};
            sound[] = {"sound0",1};
        class door_close
            loop = 0;
            terminate = 0;
            trigger = "(1 - direction) * (phase factor[0.01,0.02])";
            sound0[] = {".........\door_close.ogg",2,1,40};
            sound[] = {"sound0",1};


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Hi guys, I was just introduced here by "LordJarhead". I don't know much looking forward to help.

Can I make sound mods for AK guns from free sound library?

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On 5/15/2021 at 6:58 PM, ducphuli said:

Hi guys, I was just introduced here by "LordJarhead". I don't know much looking forward to help.

Can I make sound mods for AK guns from free sound library?


Heya ducphuli,

that depends on the license type of the sound library. Most libraries that are actually free (and not just ripped from somewhere) often times demand that the author/the library is credited somewhere in the work.

  1. Check what license the library uses and if you are allowed to use the library for your purpose
  2. If it says that the creator/library must be credited, ideally at least create a text file called credits within your pbo that mentions the author. If you wanna go all in and truly honor the generous author of the free library, also mention them wherever you upload the mod (e.g. steam)

Hope that helped. 🙂

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1 hour ago, laxemann said:

Heya ducphuli,

that depends on the license type of the sound library. Most libraries that are actually free (and not just ripped from somewhere) often times demand that the author/the library is credited somewhere in the work.

Check what license the library uses and if you are allowed to use the library for your purpose

If it says that the creator/library must be credited, ideally at least create a text file called credits within your pbo that mentions the author. If you wanna go all in and truly honor the generous author of the free library, also mention them wherever you upload the mod (e.g. steam)

Hope that helped. 🙂


Thanks for the opening reminder

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Can anyone help me with a detailed tutorial with pictures.

I am not a professional audio developer and am starting from scratch.

I'm looking to make a small mod that modifies the sound of AK guns. 

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Valid questions:

I have a sound X, how do I put it into the game?

how does the whole wav <-> wss/ogg system work?

I want the pitch of my engine sound to change, how do I do that?

my audio sounds like Y but I want it to sound like X, how do I do that?

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Hi bro, @laxemann 

I've familiarized myself with the necessary tools, now I need to see a sample audio override, I'm still learning more.


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I have a bit of a hard time understanding some mods' audio override code problem
For example overriding audio samples of  RHS or JSRS

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@ laxemann  Hi bro.

After a bit of research now I know how to close the .pbo file and create a simple sound mod mod.

I have a question:

- I created my own class "MDV_ak74_shot_close_SoundShader" Why can Arma 3 know I overwrite the class of A74M gun in RHS without having to use the old class RHS_ak74_shot_close_SoundShader

- I use  volume="1"; . But I see many people using extra properties that I don't know volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)/3"; What are these advanced properties and where can the documentation be read. Thanks.

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