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multiple statements after do

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As I was typing this thread and triple checking that what I tried actually doesn't work, I came across the solution. Hah.


To make multiple statements happen after "do", you input it like this:
_cond = true; //Can be anything but I use this to loop
while {_cond} do {
[hint "guy has stopped"]
[doStop guy]
Statements must NOT be enclosed in {} nor should they be un-enclosed nor should they have ; after them.
while {x} do { [statement 1], [statement 2], [statement 3] };
This is the correct syntax.
Just posting this in case someone else has been tearing their hair out over this. It's really easy to make a typo in the correct syntax then never come back to it again.  :lol:
If you need an "if, then" then do this:
_cond = true;
while {_cond} do {
if (alive guy) then {
[hint "guy has stopped"]
[doStop guy]
I need to loop a script with an "if, then" and multiple statements, so that's how I figured this out. Tested and it should work.

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You can also do:


while {_cond} do
    if (alive guy) then
        hint "guy has stopped";
        doStop guy;


at except you mean something different.



PS: Please try to format code when you post it here, makes it easier to read.

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You can also do:
while {_cond} do
    if (alive guy) then
        hint "guy has stopped";
        doStop guy;
at except you mean something different.
PS: Please try to format code when you post it here, makes it easier to read.


I've been asking, but how exactly do I get the interface to input the code into so it can be formatted properly?

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It won't be formatted automatically (indentations etc) but you can use the syntax highlighting by using the <> button in the forums text editor.

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