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[RELEASE] Marker Groups

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So I decided to make this little script to make grouping markers easier, then allowing you to hide/show the markers in a specific array.


To use it simply merge the init.sqf and the other files into the main mission directory.


You can create groups by putting variables in init.sqf (or anywhere bfore you run the AUSMD_markerGroups.sqf script).

AUSMD_group0 = ["myMarker","MyMarker2"];
AUSMD_group1 = ["myMarker3","MyMarker4"];

//if you need > 20 groups you'll need to tweak the markerGroups script, its commented so it shouldn't be too hard

Once the group is created you can modify which group is active by doing this:

[group-number] call AUSMD_fnc_switchMarkerGroup

As a bit of a nice bonus if your markers follow a naming convention you can use AUSMD_arrayBuilder to quickly build the arrays for you.

[string-to-search] execVM "AUSMD_arrayBuilder.sqf"

It will then search all marker names for a specific set of characters  that match with what the script is looking for, then copy the completed array to the clipboard.







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