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While with If/Then

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Sorry i know this was probably posted before, but searching didnt exactly give me the answer i need.


My script is below.  It is working, but what it is not doing is running through the If/Then on every loop.


So for example, i want it to loop every 25 seconds, and after those 25 seconds, i want to restart the If/Then checks.  However it seems to only check the condition at start and replay the same code over and over every sleep command.  Thoughts?  Hopefully i made sense and clear enough

_FAR = player distance BROTHER > 5000;
_MID = player distance BROTHER == 2500;  //Shouldnt matter as long as its between FAR and NEAR
_NEAR = player distance BROTHER < 2000;

while {alive player} do {
Sleep 25;

If (_FAR) then
playSound "LongRange";
hint 'LongRange';
	} else {
		if (_NEAR)then {playSound "ShortRange"; hint 'ShortRange';} else {playSound "MidRange"; hint 'MidRange';};


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Move the top section INSIDE your 'while loop' so it knows what you are referring to each loop.

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LOL.  i knew it.  Something silly...  :)


Thanks man!

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you could do this with a switch instead of if evalutaion


so you only have to make 1 evaluation each cycle and compare them with the values


greetings :-)

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cthulhu616 is right, try this

switch (true) do {
    case ((player distance BROTHER)>5000): {
        playSound "LongRange";
        hint "LongRange";
    case ((player distance BROTHER)>2450) && ((player distance BROTHER)<2550): {

Made with KK's SQF to BBCode Converter


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Interesting....i'll give this a whirl.  I assume this will improve performance (even though for this script it might be minimal...)


Thanks again guys,always helpful

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might be minimal for this, but now you know that there are other ways for evaluation aswell ;-)


btw... instead of

switch (true) do {
    case ((player distance BROTHER)>5000): {
        playSound "LongRange";
        hint "LongRange";
    case ((player distance BROTHER)>2450) && ((player distance BROTHER)<2550): {

 you could also do this:

_distance= player distance BROTHER

switch (true) do {
    case (_distance>5000): {
        playSound "LongRange";
        hint "LongRange";
    case (_distance>2450) && ((player distance BROTHER)<2550): {

so you only have to use that distance command once :-)



PS: It's all about being lazy :D

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