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I'm trying to make a hotkey so once pressed it launches a script ingame I put this into my init.sqf

    switch (_this) do {

//Key C
        case 46: {
            nul = [] execVM "light.sqf";

inside light is script that allows lighting once fired i know it works i tested it in debug.

can anyone help? not sure why it's not working the lightning script is

if (isNil "LIGHT_IS_FUKED" ) then {LIGHT_IS_FUKED=0};

if (LIGHT_IS_FUKED==0) then
vehicle player removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
hint "Explosive Bullets ON";
vehicle player addeventhandler ["Fired",{call Those_Massive_Bullets_Tho} ];

Those_Massive_Bullets_Tho =
if (isNull cursorTarget) then
LIGHT_IS_A_SEXY_CUNT = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];
LIGHT_IS_A_SEXY_CUNT = getpos cursorTarget;
private ["_caller"];
_caller = _this select 0;
omsz = false;

_center = createCenter sideLogic;
_group = createGroup _center;
_target = PEDO_IS_A_SEXY_CUNT;
_zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
_thunder = ["thunder_1", "thunder_2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
playSound _thunder;

omscz = true;
hint "Explosive Bullets OFF";
vehicle player removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";

I have a script that allows just me to activate this but can someone help me get hotkey built into this lighting script without having to code into the init.sqf! thanks


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I'd love to help but maybe you should ask in the MPGH forum you copy pasta'd it from.

I just want this for my server since i don't have zues in it! i don't see any reason to be rude about it. Unless there is a way to get zues in wasteland but only for admins?

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You can whitelist the GUID´s of your Admins in the Gamemaster Module i think.

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You can whitelist the GUID´s of your Admins in the Gamemaster Module i think.

Do you know how to allow admins to run custom scripts in wasteland? for some reason it doesn't allow it even when you're admin it kicks you and crashes your game.

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