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Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

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On the not being able to edit units. 


I changed my logo, worked great. Then I tied my BI to Steam, and was unable to edit unit. Not sure if there a connection. Just the sequence of events I was doing, before I was unable to edit unit anymore. 



Confirmed. "Edit Unit" option is broken, after selecting "Edit Unit", i'm left with an empty screen that just shows 4 windows for "Browse Units, Browse Events, Play Now, and My Units". Nothing else is on the page but those 4 windows.


Also, in player profile, i notice on the Unit section it has a place for the xml. However, the Unit's page doesn't have an .xml with the logo we have set. Is this feature to come in the future so as to allow Unit members to have their logo's on the patches and vehicles? Or does this feature have to be hosted by a third party.




thank you for the report, and apologies for the inconvenience. It would be a lot of help if you could send me a screen from you'r browser console, so we can check for any errors.

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Is there a reason why there can only be 3 Colonels and 10 Majors?

We would like to have 5 Colonels in our community (it makes more sense rank-wise).

Thanks for the feedback! We'd have to uncouple ranks from Arma 3 Units admin rights to achieve this as we do want to limit the number of people who can have full admin rights of a given unit. Other people have suggested this as well, but it would take us time to make this, so unfortunately it will not yet change in the short-term.

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I like the units page so far! Two minor issues I just noticed though, could not find if they had been reported already:


1. The established field does not seem to show the correct month. For instance my unit's establishment is set to october 2015, but shows as january 2015. 


2. The "video image" from youtube of our featured video in the media section stopped showing since the members update.



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I like the units page so far! Two minor issues I just noticed though, could not find if they had been reported already:


1. The established field does not seem to show the correct month. For instance my unit's establishment is set to october 2015, but shows as january 2015. 


2. The "video image" from youtube of our featured video in the media section stopped showing since the members update.



Thanks! We'll look into these issues. In the mean time, be sure to set your Recruitment Settings to "private", as now anyone can join your unit on Arma 3 Units (no application required). We're considering removing this "insta-joining" setting/feature, so it will be more clear.

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In the 'members'-tab, right now the list of people of one rank are quite random it seems; not sorted on name nor title.

Could you make it so the list is sorted alphabetically on title & name? (in that order)

It would make it a lot easier to find people in the list. (obviously a problem with 50+ groups)

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In the 'members'-tab, right now the list of people of one rank are quite random it seems; not sorted on name nor title.

Could you make it so the list is sorted alphabetically on title & name? (in that order)

It would make it a lot easier to find people in the list. (obviously a problem with 50+ groups)

I like that suggestion, we'll look into it!


By the way, for those who were experiencing issues with "EDIT UNIT PROFILE & SETTINGS" not working, we hope this is resolved now. Also, on the Browse Units page, sorting on size should now work as well.

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Is it possible that instead of the rank 1 - 7 thing we have right now we could make our own one on it? we have a massive ammount of diffrent ranks and the amount you get predifined is not nearly enough for that nor does the ranks go high enough. if there was a system in place where you could define your own ranks + rank insignia's that would be awesome ;)

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Also, on the Browse Units page, sorting on size should now work as well.


Yes, it works, thank you very much!


Our unit https://units.arma3.com/unit/gruppe-adlerhas one member too many. 18 Enlisted/Officers + 2 Unit Leaders = 21 Members :)


Another idea: You said you would consider several suggestions regarding unit management but understandably not everything is at the top position of the priority list. How about adding a large text field to the members page, so that the units can explain the ranking system they really use?

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Seems to be a big issue right now with changing Bohemia account names. Almost every one of my members is reporting (and I even tried it myself) that when you change your name and hit 'Save Changes' the button dims out, but nothing happens. Been happening for almost two days.

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Hi, my unit accepted my applicance, but i don't appear on the unit page. I already received the email telling me that i'm accepted.


Thank you.

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Executive Officers cannot accept applications. By their description they're supposed to, I think?

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Somewhere around the release of the 2nd stage, my unit I had created soon after the start of the 1st stage disappeared.

Unit name was "public OffTopic" (iirc), with the slug being "pot".

However, the unit's page ( https://units.arma3.com/unit/pot) now produces a "Not found.".


In addition to that, my own units page ( https://units.arma3.com/my-units) broke ("We encountered an error. If the problem persists, please contact us [...]").


Trying to recreate the unit results in "name/slug must be unique", so it seems to still be around somewhere in the database.


--- €dit ---

Small update with 1.62/Apex and the new launcher version released:

The unit does show up in the launcher including its image.

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Executive Officers cannot accept applications. By their description they're supposed to, I think?

Same here!

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Hi there,


When I try to save changes I have made to my unit, I get this error:


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Thanks for all the reports! We've been very much occupied with the release of Arma 3 Apex, but we'll look into these issues first thing tomorrow. Apologies for the delay!

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I'm getting reports that people who linked their steam acc and joined the unit (they are under officer/enlisted rank1) can't select the unit in profile settings ingame.

It seems the squad.xml functionality is tied to rank/position in unit. Please fix or give option to set permission.


Suggestion: game content statistics & information such as who in your unit owns what DLC's/Apex (symbols next to each enlisted name)

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So i decided to make a unit but ran into an issue where when i fill everything out on the first page i cant continue to the next page why is this?

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"Sign in" button at the top of the screen was not responding, although I'm signed in now that I signed in on the forums.


Tried deleting a unit, typed in the name, the delete button goes to a little loading circle, shudders for a second or two (yes, the button shudders/shakes/vibrates) on my screen, and then goes back to being "Delete" with nothing changed.

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My Squad do not have an icon ingame but I uploaded one. You can see the icon on the website.

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