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"NameLocal" and "Hill" location type and size not returned

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When I check the location type and size by reading the config:

_townname = (text _closesttown);
_towntype = getText (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names" >> (text _closesttown) >> "type");
hint format ["DEBUG: closest town type: %1",_towntype];
_sizetownx = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names" >> (text _closesttown) >> "radiusA");
_sizetowny = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names" >> (text _closesttown) >> "radiusB");
_townsize = (_sizetownx max _sizetowny);
hint format ["DEBUG: closest town size: %1",_townsize]

it return the type and the size for "NameCityCapital", "NameCity" and "NameVillage" but not for few "NameLocal" locations (nothing for the ype and 0 for the size). I am actually talking about the main altis airport, agia pelagia, Molos airfield and few others...


I checked the altis config and those locations are correctly defined in the cfgWorlds and should return something.



            class airbase01

I searched the forum and found this topic. When you watch the picture kylania posted you see that some locations (NameLocal) are not covered by the markers even when they should be.


Why the type and size of those locations are not returned even if it is defined in the config?


If someone have a solution, workaround it would greatly help me.


Thank you.





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Finding the town radius exactly is pretty much impossible using conventional means, my group went through the pain of putting map markers on every single settlement on the map and used those instead, much better at getting an accurate position.


Depending on what your trying to do it might not be worthwhile to find towns in this way.

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When you watch the picture kylania posted you see that some locations (NameLocal) are not covered by the markers even when they should be.


Why the type and size of those locations are not retuned even if it is defined in the config?

I'm guessing, but I expect these locations are defined, but haven't been given names. Quite a few of the hills are defined as locations but don't have names, so they don't appear on the map. Also, Feres, Almyra and Abdera airfields are not defined at all.

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I'm guessing, but I expect these locations are defined, but haven't been given names. Quite a few of the hills are defined as locations but don't have names, so they don't appear on the map. Also, Feres, Almyra and Abdera airfields are not defined at all.


The different main airport parts return a name (airbase, terminal and military) but no size and no type. That's strange because it is defined in the altis cfgWorlds the same way as the others classes. Some "NameLocal" work and return valid size and type and some are "bugged", I don't understand why. I guess I'll have to check names and create custom locations. Too bad since locations combined with selectBestPlaces is very powerful to create highlty flexible dynamic spawning system on any properly configured island at very low cost :(. I didn't try on chernarus yet but I guess It should work nicely.

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I am working on one of these dynamic spawning systems you mention. I've had to create some locations manually. SelectBestPlaces is powerful, as is findSafePos and so far, I've managed to work around the kinks BI put in my way and am making a mission system that is almost totally automatic, ie, the mission maker puts next to nothing on the map in the editor.

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_loc = text (nearestLocations [ position player, ["Airport", "NameLocal", "NameVillage", "NameCity"],20000] select 1);


 Been trying to get these locals to work for sort of a 'named battle markers on the map' also but usually get bizarre returns like "The Battle of Xirolimni Dam has ended"....wtf is that on a mountainside :p

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