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roads not showing up in game

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my roads show up fine in TB and bulldozer but for some reason they don't in the game all my objects show up here is all my documents, im just lost at the minute so any help would be great and also i am using all mikeros tools so i know im good on that




class layers        {        class dna_sands_beach        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_sands_beach.rvmat";        };        class dna_grass_green        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_grass_green.rvmat";        };        class dna_steep_grass        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_grass_steep.rvmat";        };        class dna_lush_grass        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_grass_lush.rvmat";        };        class dna_lushgrass1_steep        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_grass_steeplush1.rvmat";        };        class dna_lushgrass2_steep        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_grass_steeplush2.rvmat";        };        class dna_cliff_face        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_cliff_face.rvmat";        };        class dna_cliff_steep        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_cliff_steep.rvmat";        };        class dna_pebbles_rock        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_pebbles_rock.rvmat";        };        class dna_coastal_rock        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_coastal_rock.rvmat";        };        class dna_side_rock        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_side_rock.rvmat";        };        class dna_concrete_road        {		texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);        material = "dna\oahu\data\dna_concrete_road.rvmat";        };}; class Legend{  picture = "dna\oahu\source\mapLegend.png";  class colors  {        dna_sands_beach[]={{230,230,120}};        dna_grass_green[]={{140,220,80}};		dna_steep_grass[]={{140,220,70}};		dna_lush_grass[]={{120,230,80}};		dna_lushgrass1_steep[]={{110,220,80}};		dna_lushgrass2_steep[]={{110,225,80}};        dna_cliff_face[]={{120,120,120}};		dna_cliff_steep[]={{80,80,80}};		dna_pebbles_rock[]={{175,161,131}};		dna_coastal_rock[]={{120,122,122}};		dna_side_rock[]={{120,121,120}};		dna_concrete_road[]={{0,0,255}};  };};


#define _ARMA_//Class config.bin{class CfgPatches{ class oahu {  units[] = {"oahu"};  weapons[] = {};  requiredVersion = 1.0;  requiredaddons[]={"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data","AiA_StandaloneTerrainPack_Core"};  version = "17/10/2015";  fileName = "oahu.pbo";  author = "CoLDDnA";  email = "CoLDDnA"; };};class CfgWorlds{ class CAWorld; class Stratis: CAWorld {  class Grid;  class DefaultClutter; }; class oahu: Stratis {  cutscenes[] = {};  description = "Oahu";  pictureMap = "dna\oahu\data\imagery\oahu_landsat.paa";  pictureShot = "A3\map_Stratis\data\ui_Stratis_ca.paa";    worldName = "dna\oahu\oahu.wrp";  startTime = "11:00";  startDate = "07/06/2035";  startWeather = 0.2;  startFog = 0.0;  forecastWeather = 0.6;  forecastFog = 0.0;  centerPosition[] = {20480,20480,0};  seagullPos[] = {20480,20480,0};  longitude = 65;  latitude = -34;  elevationOffset = 2000;  envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga";  minTreesInForestSquare = 2;  minRocksInRockSquare = 2;  //newRoadsShape = "\dna\oahu\data\roads\roads.shp";  ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024};  ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616};  ilsTaxiIn[] = {};  ilsTaxiOff[] = {};  drawTaxiway = 0; class SecondaryAirports {};class Sea  {   seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";   seaMaterial = "#water";   shoreMaterial = "#shore";   shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";   shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";   WaterMapScale = 20;   WaterGrid = 50;   MaxTide = 0;   MaxWave = 0;   SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";   SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";   SeaWaveHScale = 2.0;   SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;   SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;  };  class Grid: Grid  {   offsetX = 0;   offsetY = 40960;   class Zoom1   {    zoomMax = 0.15;    format = "XY";    formatX = "000";    formatY = "000";    stepX = 100;    stepY = -100;   };   class Zoom2   {    zoomMax = 0.85;    format = "XY";    formatX = "00";    formatY = "00";    stepX = 1000;    stepY = -1000;   };   class Zoom3   {    zoomMax = 1e+030.0;    format = "XY";    formatX = "0";    formatY = "0";    stepX = 10000;    stepY = -10000;   };  }; clutterGrid = 1.2; clutterDist = 250; noDetailDist = 65; fullDetailDist = 15; midDetailTexture = "A3\Map_Data\middle_mco.paa";#include "cfgClutter.hpp"		class Names		{			#include "oahu.h"		};		loadingTexts[] = {		"Oahu is known best for its ICE.",		"Kapolei is where the slum stay for the coldest dna.",		"HELL is among you if you follow the sounds of the wind.",		"Homeless in Oahu are always tan!."		}; };};class CfgWorldList{ class oahu{};};class CfgMissions{ class Cutscenes {  };};//SURFACES#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"



class RoadTypesLibrary
    class Road0001
        width = 10;
        mainStrTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_main_road_ca.paa"; // lowercase!
        mainTerTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_main_road_end_ca.paa";
        mainMat = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_main_road.rvmat";
        map = "road";
    class Road0002
        width = 8;
        mainStrTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_main_road_ca.paa"; // lowercase!
        mainTerTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_main_road_end_ca.paa";
        mainMat = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_main_road.rvmat";
        map = "road";
        AIpathOffset = 2.5;
    class Road0003
        width = 3;
        mainStrTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roaddirt_road_ca.paa"; // lowercase!
        mainTerTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roaddirt_road_end_ca.paa";
        mainMat = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roaddirt_road.rvmat";
        map = "track";
        AIpathOffset = 0;
    class Road0004
        width = 2.5;
        mainStrTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_highway_ca.paa"; // lowercase!
        mainTerTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_highway_end_ca.paa";
        mainMat = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadtarmac_highway.rvmat";
        map = "main road";
        AIpathOffset = 3;
    class Road0005
        width = 1;
        mainStrTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roaddirt_path_ca.paa"; // lowercase!
        mainTerTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roaddirt_path_end_ca.paa";
        mainMat = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roaddirt_path.rvmat";
        map = "track";
        AIpathOffset = 0;
    class Road0006
        width = 10;
        mainStrTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadconcrete_city_road_ca.paa"; // lowercase!
        mainTerTex = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadconcrete_city_road_end_ca.paa";
        mainMat = "dna\oahu\data\surf_roadconcrete_city_road.rvmat";
        map = "track";
        AIpathOffset = 2.5;

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Your roads.shp file is commented out.


 //newRoadsShape = "\dna\oahu\data\roads\roads.shp";


should be



newRoadsShape = "\dna\oahu\data\roads\roads.shp";

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Awesome. They're easy to miss. I don't know what text editor you use but if you use one with syntax highlighting, assigning C++ styles to SQF files helps alot.

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