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How to allow Zeus to see script spawned in AI but not "Zeus" them

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The basic issue is...

I have added a zeus slot to patrol ops to allow the creation of extra units in to spice up gameplay.

However the Zeus player cannot see the units created by the Patrol ops system itself, only the ones he created and therefore has no idea how many AI are on the map or where the Po3 system spawned AI are.


My aim is to have the Zeus player see these Po3 spawned units but not be able to "zeus" them.


How Do I accomplish that ?

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To get zeus to see and manage them, that is simple.


Add this to your init.sqf file at the bottom.

if (isServer) then {
	[] spawn {
		waitUntil {
			sleep 2;
			_objects = allUnits + vehicles;
				_x addCuratorEditableObjects [_objects,true];
			} foreach allCurators;

Its rough but will get the job done.


To get him to see them only and not control them, That's very difficult without completely restricting Zeus ability to control units.

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Thanks Roy

I took it a step further and added any createvehicle units and vehicles to the addCuratorEditableObjects as they are spawned in

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This code about does not work for me. How can you add spawned in AI groups to ZEUS. I am playing on a host server not dedicated does that make a difference with the script above.

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