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12 hours ago, Igitur said:


I have built my own Team Switch functions for this mod, as the original feature was designed for switching units in a same group and hence was practically unusable in combination with HC. It may need another check though, I haven't used it for long. As it stood, you just had to assign some hc groups to the playable units you plan to switch to instead of assigning them to the player. For instance, if you have PL1 = Platoon Leader 1 : PL1 hcSetGroup [G1]; instead of player hcSetGroup [G1]. The feature should also work for assigning different HC arrays to different players in MP.

Test it out if you're interested and let me know whether it's still working. I have no more time to do it myself today.

Right, but I don't believe a unit is able to command the same HC group as another unit, no? Like, I don't think the Company Leader would be able to have Platoon Leader 1's Squads in his HC bar if Platoon Leader 1 has those squads on their HC bar as well. That's more what I was going for. I can make it to where all of the Platoon Leader groups will be on the Company Leader's HC bar, and all of the Platoon squads belong to their respective Platoon Leader's HC bar, but I can't get it to where all of the groups show up for the Company Leader instead of just the PL's groups, and all of the PL's are commanding their respective squads as well. I believe this may be a limitation within HC itself, though I may be wrong - mods like duda's Advanced AI Command allow multiple leaders of the same HC group but I don't think his mod really utilizes "HC" per se.


As for the team switch, I didn't even know this mod had that feature - I'll look into it! The singleplayer team switch was working fine for me if I had the HC groups set up to where the Company Leader had only the PL groups in his bar, and the PL leaders had their respective squads (the method you used above, outlaw1 hcSetGroup [outlaw11]). I would be fine with the command-chain style HC thing I got going on right now, but it can get tedious when you have to switch between units for simple ass tasks like calling in reinforcements from another platoon, etc, and it basically deems the Company Commander useless, since his only subordinates are playable units that can be switched to anyway. Plus when using ALiVE and switching out of the battlefield, just to switch back moments later, it can break immersion because the enemy have to load back in and may be in slightly different position/not as damaged and you'll have to completely reengage.


Another cool feature would be an option to toggle the "Autocombat" setting on a waypoint, so if you want a unit to move through fire for a waypoint you could set the autocombat off for that waypoint, then when they reach their final waypoint you can set autocombat back on. I know you already have the autocombat toggle feature, but this would make it much more convenient and usable in combat situations or when planning ahead of time.


Oh! If this is possible, it would make the counter-insurgency a helluva lot easier lol - could you implement high command building clearing? That would be a dream!


I hope you know I don't expect 99% of this stuff to get implemented, I'm just throwing ideas out there in case anything IS easy enough to implement. Anything you do will be very appreciated :)

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20 hours ago, DEV614 said:

Right, but I don't believe a unit is able to command the same HC group as another unit, no? Like, I don't think the Company Leader would be able to have Platoon Leader 1's Squads in his HC bar if Platoon Leader 1 has those squads on their HC bar as well. That's more what I was going for. I can make it to where all of the Platoon Leader groups will be on the Company Leader's HC bar, and all of the Platoon squads belong to their respective Platoon Leader's HC bar, but I can't get it to where all of the groups show up for the Company Leader instead of just the PL's groups, and all of the PL's are commanding their respective squads as well. I believe this may be a limitation within HC itself, though I may be wrong - mods like duda's Advanced AI Command allow multiple leaders of the same HC group but I don't think his mod really utilizes "HC" per se.


Yes, the team switch feature is functionable but limited to the vanilla game's scope as of today. I'll try to make it so that switching to a sub-leader would always come with HC control over his defined subgroups, but I'll never take the "everyone is commanding everything" path, as it utterly contradicts the very concept of High Command imo.


20 hours ago, DEV614 said:

As for the team switch, I didn't even know this mod had that feature - I'll look into it! The singleplayer team switch was working fine for me if I had the HC groups set up to where the Company Leader had only the PL groups in his bar, and the PL leaders had their respective squads (the method you used above, outlaw1 hcSetGroup [outlaw11]). I would be fine with the command-chain style HC thing I got going on right now, but it can get tedious when you have to switch between units for simple ass tasks like calling in reinforcements from another platoon, etc, and it basically deems the Company Commander useless, since his only subordinates are playable units that can be switched to anyway. 


I dont get that part. You can always take back direct control over any HC group of any of your defined arrays by switching to the "All groups" page, selecting the group and hitting 'Stop following'. Just use 'Regroup Subgroups' or 'Return to formation' when he's done. No need for team switching here. I think I'll change the process so that the 'Stop following' command is no longer mandatory, as it may feel counter-intuitive for people. Issuing a WP to any subgroup would automatically break their current formation and let them move wherever you want.


21 hours ago, DEV614 said:

Another cool feature would be an option to toggle the "Autocombat" setting on a waypoint, so if you want a unit to move through fire for a waypoint you could set the autocombat off for that waypoint, then when they reach their final waypoint you can set autocombat back on. I know you already have the autocombat toggle feature, but this would make it much more convenient and usable in combat situations or when planning ahead of time.


Oh! If this is possible, it would make the counter-insurgency a helluva lot easier lol - could you implement high command building clearing? That would be a dream!


I plan to rework the default WPs later on. Note taken for the autocombat stuff. Building clearing should make an appearance somewhere down the line, along with automatic healing, rearming, etc.. Time will tell :)

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12 hours ago, Igitur said:


Yes, the team switch feature is functionable but limited to the vanilla game's scope as of today. I'll try to make it so that switching to a sub-leader would always come with HC control over his defined subgroups, but I'll never take the "everyone is commanding everything" path, as it utterly contradicts the very concept of High Command imo.


I completely get that, and that really wasn't the approach I was going for - I just meant the Company Commander being able to control everything (being in control of the whole company) and the Platoons would be able to control their squads, the squads their fireteams, etc, etc. So basically like the current CoC system, except the higher echelon groups would control every subgroup under them. But that's currently not possible because of the HC limitations of only one commander per group, so the Company Commander wouldn't be able to command the entire company, just the playable Platoon leader groups.


12 hours ago, Igitur said:

I dont get that part. You can always take back direct control over any HC group of any of your defined arrays by switching to the "All groups" page, selecting the group and hitting 'Stop following'. Just use 'Regroup Subgroups' or 'Return to formation' when he's done. No need for team switching here. I think I'll change the process so that the 'Stop following' command is no longer mandatory, as it may feel counter-intuitive for people. Issuing a WP to any subgroup would automatically break their current formation and let them move wherever you want.


Yes, but when different groups are controlled by different units, team switch is required. I'm not even using the subgroups right now, it's just plain-old groups under another units high command - no CoC, just CO group commanding PLs groups, PLs groups commanding their squads groups, (may break down into fireteams). So when I'm playing as Platoon 1 Leader and I'm out in Feruz Abad in a firefight, and I need to call in Platoon 4 to Helo in, I would have to switch to Platoon 4s leader so I would have Platoon 4s squads on my HC bar and I could get them to load up in the chopper, and send them on their way, then I'd switch back to Platoon 1 Leader but the firefight would have ceased and the enemy units would have to reinitialize and load back in. The alternative I'm using right now is playing as the company commander only, and the company commander controls all of the groups in his company (each platoon sorted by color, sometimes subgroups/CoC when we're moving to another location, but I tend to order each group individually so the subgroups are typically used when out of combat), that way I can make the HC bar show whichever color (platoon) I need assistance from/to command, but the only drawback is that the company commander is the only unit I can play as. I think the WP allowing the group to break formation is a good idea, that is honestly the only reason I don't use the Platoon subgroups more.


12 hours ago, Igitur said:

I plan to rework the default WPs later on. Note taken for the autocombat stuff. Building clearing should make an appearance somewhere down the line, along with automatic healing, rearming, etc.. Time will tell :)


Very excited to see what you have in store!


If you ever are in need of someone to test any of the beta builds you have and report back on bugs/functionality, I would be happy to help! Just let me know. :)


Late edit: If you could implement Go Codes instead of the waypoint syncing system, I think it would be much more practical and convenient. The current syncing system works fine, but it can get messy when you have to wait for multiple units to get in place, and then try to get everybody to move in as a whole.

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Version : 1.5.2


Edit : Hotfix


This update aims at making the mod more streamlined and user friendly. It also focuses on large scale gameplay by making arrays more persistent and meaningful.


Changelog :


1. Pre-definition of arrays : mission makers can now define arrays in their mission's init file. Below is a typical setup for a company made up of 3 platoons, each platoon made of 3 squads of 3 groups.


IGIT_HCC_Arrays_Presets = [
 [['A',1,1], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G1,G2,G3]],
 [['A',1,2], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G4,G5,G6]],
 [['A',1,3], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G7,G8,G9]],
 [['A',1,0], 'positional', 'Platoon', 1, [G1,G4,G7]],
 [['A',2,1], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G10,G11,G12]],
 [['A',2,2], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G13,G14,G15]],
 [['A',2,3], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G16,G17,G18]],
 [['A',2,0], 'positional', 'Platoon', 1, [G10,G13,G16]],
 [['A',3,1], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G19,G20,G21]],
 [['A',3,2], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G22,G23,G24]],
 [['A',3,3], 'directional', 'Squad', 1, [G25,G26,G27]],
 [['A',3,0], 'positional', 'Platoon', 1, [G19,G22,G25]],
 [['A',0,0], 'positional', 'Company', 1, [G1,G10,G19]]
. Please note that the last line has no coma at the end.
. In this setup, G1 leader's rank is Major. G10 and G19 leaders are Captains. G22, G25, G13, G16, G4 and G7 leaders are leutenants, the other groups leaders are sergeants.
. Elements :
  1. ['A',1,1] : Company A, Platoon 1, Squad 1. The callsigns are not functional yet but I may use them later on.
  2. 'directional' : Mode of the array. Can be either 'directional' or 'positional'. Directional by default is not recommended for very large arrays.
  3. 'Squad' : Type of the array. Can be either 'Squad', 'Platoon' or 'Company'.
  4. 1 : This variable is not functional yet. It will decide whether or not you define the current position of your groups as their default formation. Custom HC formations will be possible at a later stage.
  5. [G1,G2,G3] : groups of your array. Arrays of order X can be made of either all the X-1 groups, or just the X-1 leaders. For instance, Platoon 1 could be [G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,G6,G7,G8,G9] but the mod only takes the subleaders (if any) into account. 


2. Gameplay : 'Stop Following' is no longer mandatory to take back direct control over a subgroup. Issuing a waypoint to the group will now automatically break the current formation.


3. Gameplay : the Regroup/RTF system has been reworked to differentiate arrays that were properly defined from the more opportunistic 'Follow Me' command. You can now order any group to follow you without breaking the array he belongs to.
   Use 'Regroup Subgroups' or 'Return To Formation' when you're dealing with your squads, platoons or companies, and use 'Form Back on Me' or 'Form Back on Player' when you want to call back the groups you've taken control over with 'Follow Me'.
   Note that a group that has been sent back to its regular formation is no longer available for the 'Back on Me' or 'Back on Player' commands (unless you use 'Follow Me' again). Those changes in the system should prevent from breaking the arrays
   you've defined unless you deliberately choose to re-define them.


4. As a bonus I have changed the 'Vehicle Speed' menu to provide a wider range of controllable speeds.

  • Thanks 1

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Some issues with the new Regroup/RTF system and dynamic menus.


1 hour ago, DEV614 said:

Not all heroes wear capes




Edit : I've checked the pack/unpack functions btw. I cant seem to replicate your issue. You need at least 2 units in your group for those actions but I guess you know that right ? Care to write a step by step description of the issue ? The mods you're using etc.

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4 hours ago, Igitur said:



Some issues with the new Regroup/RTF system and dynamic menus.





Edit : I've checked the pack/unpack functions btw. I cant seem to replicate your issue. You need at least 2 units in your group for those actions but I guess you know that right ? Care to write a step by step description of the issue ? The mods you're using etc.

The pack/unpack feature works like a charm when used how you just described, what I meant was having one group with multiple statics. For example, a mortar squadron with three mortar teams - 6 static bags in all (gun/bipod combo). They can set them all down, they just can't pick them all back up. It really isn't something that should concern you, as commanding each mortar team individually isn't a problem - plus I believe that only one mortar fires when you have all three unpacked anyway, so having a mortar squadron might be less beneficial than individual teams anyway!


Here's how to repro if you care to try:


Create one group with a squad leader, three gunners, and three bipods/supports.
Have the squad place down all of their statics, then have them pick them back up.

You should notice the "original" support bag/bipod carrier will be the one to pick up all three of the support bags, effectively deleting the other two bags. The gunners, however, all pick up their bags.


Quick question, when pre-defining arrays on mission initialization, do the units in that array start out "in formation" following the highest ranked group, or are they just defined and have to be set to follow the leading group whenever you have them where you want them in relation to said group? EDIT: Okay, so I finally got to test out the update and I see that the units are following the highest in command by default. Would it be possible to make the subgroups follow the unit directly ahead of them in the CoC by default? For example, if you defined the example array you gave, G2 and G3 would follow G1, G5 and G6 would follow G4, G8 and G9 would follow G7, and G4, and G7 would follow G1.


Also, would you be able to elaborate on the difference between positional and directional?


And finally, a suggestion ;)

If you could incorporate some type of convoy script to allow HC groups to move together better as a convoy, that would be amazing - I can already make them somewhat resemble a convoy with the speed settings and whatnot, but there are a lot of inconsistencies and no "convoy" typically ends up well without some type of scripting. I was thinking about trying to incorporate Devas' Convoy script in one of my missions but to allow "dynamic" convoy markers to be placed on top of HC waypoints (via script) and a trigger placed at the waypoint as well to delete the marker after the unit has reached it (as to not clutter the map with random markers), though I'm a VERY inexperienced coder (I use the term coder lightly) so I doubt I'd be able to achieve the result I wanted, so hopefully you can come up with a better idea xD


and obviously any time of improvements you can make to the suppression system is much needed! Will open up a whole new avenue for AI approaches :)

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17 hours ago, DEV614 said:

Quick question, when pre-defining arrays on mission initialization, do the units in that array start out "in formation" following the highest ranked group, or are they just defined and have to be set to follow the leading group whenever you have them where you want them in relation to said group?


The pre-definition works just the same as the manual system as of today, meaning that the relative positions the groups may have at mission start are considered the groups relative positions in their respective formation, the ones they'll return to when you call them back to formation (unless you're using one of the generic formations). They'll follow their leader if you give the said leader a waypoint. 

[Late edit : oops sorry, this is misleading. Arrays are actually defined the very first time the player switches to HC. Late edit 2 : that's gotta change !].

Later down the road you will be able to choose whether or not you want the groups to start the mission in formation. I plan to develop a custom HC formation system similar to CFS for this mod.


17 hours ago, DEV614 said:

If you could incorporate some type of convoy script to allow HC groups to move together better as a convoy, that would be amazing - I can already make them somewhat resemble a convoy with the speed settings and whatnot, but there are a lot of inconsistencies and no "convoy" typically ends up well without some type of scripting.


Convoy should be easy. It was planned with the formation system but I might take a look sooner :)



Edited by Igitur
Misleading answer

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8 minutes ago, Igitur said:

Convoy should be easy. It was planned with the formation system but I might take a look sooner :)

That makes my heart happy :')


Hey, do you have any suggestions on how to make two groups make to a waypoint, then move in at the same time? The current synchronization system works fantastic, but when it comes to wanting two groups to wait for eachother to get into position, then move in, it can get a bit wonky. One unit will wait until the other is in position, but there are plenty of variables that could disrupt group A's approach, allowing group B to hit their waypoint first and continue while group A is lagging behind. I've tried synching both waypoints to eachother (as in syncing group A's to group B's, then group B's to group A's) but that tends to either cancel out the synchronization all together, work somewhat successfully, or behave as usual i.e. one group hits the waypoint and either waits (if it was the group that's waypoint is synchronized to the other group that hasn't reached their waypoint) or vice versa, or one group gets stuck in place while the other groups move in (tends to happen when trying to plan a larger scale attack with a lot of synchronizing).

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On ‎16‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 8:01 PM, DEV614 said:

Hey, do you have any suggestions on how to make two groups make to a waypoint, then move in at the same time? The current synchronization system works fantastic, but when it comes to wanting two groups to wait for eachother to get into position, then move in, it can get a bit wonky. One unit will wait until the other is in position, but there are plenty of variables that could disrupt group A's approach, allowing group B to hit their waypoint first and continue while group A is lagging behind. I've tried synching both waypoints to eachother (as in syncing group A's to group B's, then group B's to group A's) but that tends to either cancel out the synchronization all together, work somewhat successfully, or behave as usual i.e. one group hits the waypoint and either waits (if it was the group that's waypoint is synchronized to the other group that hasn't reached their waypoint) or vice versa, or one group gets stuck in place while the other groups move in (tends to happen when trying to plan a larger scale attack with a lot of synchronizing).


Not sure I understand what you want to do (my poor english, sorry). Lets say you have two groups A and B. Give each group 4 WPs. If you want A and B to wait for each other at their respective first WP, before moving together to their second WP,  just synchronize A1 with B1. Repeat for the following WPs (A2-B2, A3-C3,..) and your 2 groups should move in together. Your groups may take longer than you'd like to reach the WPs but that's Arma isn't it ? You can be sure both WPs have been reached when the sync line disappears.

Now you can also synchronize A1 with B1, A2 with B1, A2 with B2, A3 with B2, A3 with B3 and A4 with B3. You'd get some sort of zigzag with the sync lines. That's a typical setup for a bounding overwatch progression.

If you want three groups to move in parallel, synchronize A1 with B1, B1 with C1 and A1 with C1 (otherwise you may have one of the groups that moves away before the other two). As a general rule, all the groups you want to move in together must be synchronized each with all the others. Hence the interest of working with the leaders.


Note that you just have to synchronize the leaders to make their whole arrays move in together. Vehicles WPs are also more capricious. They'll auto-cancel their first WP if you dont set it up far enough.


I hope this helps..

Edited by Igitur

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Version : 1.5.3

Changelog :


1. Fixed : Pre-definition of arrays is now effective at mission initialization instead of first switching to HC.
2. Fixed : groups in arrays should no longer move away after unassigning their vehicle.
3. Reworked the artillery functions to better handle a selection of several groups of several artillery units.
4. Reworked the pack/unpack functions to better handle a selection of several groups of several dismantled weapons.
5. Fixed some issue with RHS dismantled weapons + added CUP and APEX dismantled weapons.
6. Improved : the Regroup/RTF menu now adapts in real time to the player's groups selection.
7. Added a paypal link in case someone feels like clicking on a paypal link.

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Hey @Igitur and chance you may be looking at implementing this awesome mod to work on Dedicated servers? Unless of course I'm doing something wrong and it already does :hehe:

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I dont know a thing about scripting for MP and I'm not even sure to know what a dedicated server actually is, to be honest. I always disable that stuff with "if (isDedicated) exitWith {};", as a precaution. I'm also rewriting some of the game configs so I dont think what you're asking for is even possible (is it?). I could enable Dedicated servers in the next update but I have absolutely no idea of what the end result would be. Care to explain ? The mod is designed to work as a client side addon and I'm curious to know how it could work on a server.

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I may be using it wrong. So if the mission is being run on a dedicated server does that mean only I need to run HCC? I just assumed it needed to run on server in order to be utilised. I will have a play and update you. Cheers


Oh and dedicated server is just like a dedicated host that noone actually physically plays on for missions etc. Its hard for me to exppain since Im no expert but for me just takes load of my computer when playing with others so keep FPS up

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Version : 1.5.4.


First pass on convoys (WIP).


Usage :

1. Select your groups carefully. The order of the selection defines the position of the vehicles in the convoy.
2. Define array as - > Convoy (1-8-4).
3. Display Convoy Leaders (optional : 6-3-1-1).
4. Select the convoy leader and regroup the convoy (6-3-1-2 or, in the Regroup/RTF menu : Regroup Convoy).
5. Give waypoints to the convoy leader.

Give any vehicle a waypoint or use 'Stop Following' to make it leave the convoy. Use 'Return to Convoy' or 'Regroup Convoy' to make it join the convoy again (in the last position).
A disabled vehicle will leave automatically. A disabled leader will leave automatically and the second group will then take the lead and the waypoints.


Hints :

1. Select the 'CARELESS' combat behaviour to avoid drivers to move away in panic when crossing a warzone.
2. Select the 'CARELESS' combat behaviour to avoid embarked cargo troops to disembark and engage the enemy when crossing a warzone.
3. Synchronize the convoy leader's waypoints with some other combat groups progression to provide protection to the convoy.
4. Avoid bridges like the plague.


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Just started using HCC after nearly 800hrs of Arma. Awesome!


One question.  Does HCC suppression work ATM? If so, could you possibly run through the process?


Many thanks for all your great work. and lovin the roadmap!



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@Igitur , How can i add spawned group to high command bar? Pressing 6-8 (Add curator of side), doesn't help.

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Hi, first of all thanks for such a great mod)
I've found a very strange compatability bug with this 

For clean test I launch only with CBA, HCC and achilles mod, create new mission, place 1 unit and zeus module with owner "#adminLogged" and achilles module are not avalible



 Without HCC all works fine

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Chain of Command was broken as well as some core functionalities in the Regroup/Formation system. A big thank you to Mihais for PMing me about the issue ! Keep it coming :)



@temon : if you spawn a group by script, just write player hcSetGroup [yourGroup] somewhere in your script. Use the unit's variable name instead of 'player' if you're in MP.

@headstone : Yep, I'm aware of the issue. I've PMed oOKexOo about it but no answer so far. No promise.

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Version : :


. Changed : Regrouping subgroups no longer cancels a 'Wait' order issued to the lead group.
. Changed : Issuing a 'Follow Me' command now does cancel a 'Wait' order given to the subgroups.
. Added a 'Tactical pace' entry in the group's speed menu. The selected speed mode can now be passed to the subgroups through the Chain of Command.
. Added a 'Automatic' entry in the group's speed menu. Subgroups in formation will automatically tend to adapt their speed to the leader's speed (unless too far from their expected position).
. Added a 'Dive in Depth' entry in the group's speed menu. Works either for divers or submarines.

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