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Find all buildings with positions on the map?

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Hey guys, I was wondering if there is a script out there that can find all the buildings placed on the map and (sans doubles) relay the building positions back into the RPT or something similar. Thanks!

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_allBuildings = [0,0,0] nearObjects ["Building", 50000];

	diag_log (getPosATL _x);
	sleep 0.1; //may not be needed, you decide

} forEach _allBuildings;

It may take a while to complete. Writing to the log may be a problem, depending on how many buildings the island has.

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I wrote that once for a single use and thought I would never use it again, but here you go:

//Get all buildings on an Island (also catches editor placed (or spawned via script) buildings).
private ["_toClipboard","_toLogfile","_start","_mapSize","_center","_radius","_buildings"];
_toClipboard = false;
_toLogfile = true;
_start = diag_tickTime;
_mapSize = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "MapSize");
_center = [(_mapSize/2), (_mapSize/2), 0];
_radius = [0,0,0] distance _center;
_buildings = [];
if(_toLogfile)then{diag_log format["##### Building list for Island %1 #####", str worldName]}; 	
	if(_toLogfile)then{diag_log format["%1 : %2",typeOf _x, getPos _x]};
	_buildings pushBack [typeOf _x, getPos _x];
}forEach (_center nearObjects ["Building", _radius]);
if(_toClipboard)then{copyToClipboard str _buildings};
hint format["\nIsland: %1\n\nBuildings: %2\nWritten to logfile: %3\nSaved to Clipboard: %4\nProcessing Time: %5",
worldName, count _buildings, if(_toLogfile)then[{"Yes"},{"No"}], if(_toClipboard)then[{"Yes"},{"No"}], diag_tickTime - _start];

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