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Multiplayer in 2015

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Hey all,

I recently played a few games with a friend and it was quite some fun. Seeing as we're only 2 people, our choice in missions is quite limited.

So now I'm wondering, how is the multiplayer nowadays? Are there still many regular players? Where are the games hosted/played?

I really like this game, one of my top favourites, and I actually prefer it over the ArmA successors. Would love to play some online matches, might become a regular. :P

And also... are there any good MP maps for 2 players? For the case of there being now other people left playing online.

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The eutw servers are great fun,they get up to 60 players at times..i find there game mode the the best pvp out there. Search with the in game filter for "capture the island" game mode,look for EUTW servers. ( Oops sorry didnt realise this was cold war related till after posted)

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There's a couple of us playing, making missions and hosting servers for the game. You will see up to 20 people on a server at best these days. Links of interest:


OFP Monitor - to see the servers, to join games, to load mods, to chat, etc.


1.96 downgrade patch - this is for CWA users who want to play on 1.96 servers too; I suggest making two copies of the game.


Editorupdate 102 - some vanilla missions require this addon.


WW4 mod + WW4 Extended - quite some modded servers use WW4 mod.


Tupas clan addons/mod - for play on Tupas mod server.


LOL addons - for play on LOL server [despite the name not suited for beginners to the game ;p].


Recon addons - for play on Recon servers.


XRCTI - the most popular type of CTI mission; not for beginners. You can also check out MFCTI.


Crime City addons - addons for Crime City and Nogova Crimes RPG missions; the addonless alternative is Nogville.


RU Server addons - addons for this Russian centric server; knowledge of Russian may be needed to play.


Make your own server - here's a small guide from me how to set up your own server for OFP/CWA.


DXDLL - adds post-processing effects to OFP like reflective water, bloom, night shader, etc. There's ENB and FXAA injector/Sweet FX too but I recommend DXDLL over them.



Note that because of how OFP is designed, you can't just jump in into game seasons that already began, meaning you will either have to wait for a new game season or for a reassign from the server admin. It's also highly unrecommended to load any cheats/hacks, teamkill or spam because it will likely earn you a kick or permanent ban from the server.

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On ther average there are 20 active 1.96/1.99 servers playing Coop or CTI.

As said by others...OFP Monitor.

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Thanks for the answers and the many links! I downloaded OFP Monitor and saw quite a lot of rooms, but few of them with players.


Couldn't play any games because I didn't have the mods yet (and the TuPaS download keeps crashing every few MB :( ), but I'll get going soon. Took a look at MFCTI, and it seems pretty overwhelming at first, especially if playing as commander. Are there any strategy/tactic articles on CTI?


Edit: God the addons now. But... which CTI is the XRCTI? I only see CRCTIs (and a lot of them!) on the servers on OFP Monitor. Which is the "best" or commonly played CTI? Would like to play it in SP to get a grasp on it, because I quite like the concept.

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Should also be noted that the game tends to be most lively in evening hours, central European time. For example if you want to play some mini Battlefield missions, those take place almost exclusively during evening European hours. I suggest finding some friend who is willing to play with you and downloading some above mentioned mods to join some coop game seasons. You will probably have more issues with CTI stuff as it requires getting used to and also getting the download links (most are broken or hard to find).



p.s.: if you want some help you can also join the chat ;p

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If someone wants - I uploaded a single file [LOL] clan WW2/Nam addons collection/mod for play on their server or personal use and fixed the bugged addon name. Here's the link:




The missions pack is here:



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Just set up OFP Monitor but cant see any online servers in Automation. Could you please provide IP adresses of some? Im interested in COOP play

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If You can't see any servers in OFPMonnitor then You must open up settings menu, choose last tab "Master servers", add one (I'm using and tick "Update master server list on start". Close settings window and hit F5 on keyboard.

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(( cant join any server. Why? seems to me its because of addons. 

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