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"..p3d is faulty or missing" Packing w/ PboProject

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Hello again:


After the fixed clutter issue I was busy making roads, editing my sat map and so forth.  I decided it was time for some trees, and added some trees.


Now, when I go to pack in PBO Project I get the following error:



scanning for jobs to do....

Processing DAR\DAR_Base
scanning wrp for binarised p3d's
file error: a3\plants_f\Bush\b_ficusC2d_F.p3d
a3\plants_f\Bush\b_ficusC2d_F.p3d is faulty or missing
preprocessing files produced an error


And that's it.  I don't understand how that is missing.. I have my library in Terrain Builder Mapped to a P Drive folder made with A3P of all the files.


Also, can someone instruct me how to access the steam group?  It would be awesome to ask probably common questions like this



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Try get the files to P drive with FuturaToP.bat


Hmm, I used the Arma3P to get my files in, so they are all there.  I just do not understand why a single file is missing.

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A3P is a awesome powerful tools that copies everything what you need to your Pdrive.

Have you added your A3 folder on Pdrive to your Templates on TB?

And placed your Objects from there?

maybe only the path is wrong....


join the mapmakers group on Skype:



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A3P is a awesome powerful tools that copies everything what you need to your Pdrive.

Have you added your A3 folder on Pdrive to your Templates on TB?

And placed your Objects from there?

maybe only the path is wrong....


join the mapmakers group on Skype:



 Cheers for the skype group, I'll take a look into it.  Also, I did load that library into TB.  And yes, A3P has added all of the files, maybe it is corrupt.

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