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Multiple 'If' Conditions Fail

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 Thanks Johnny but heres the kicker -trigger wont detect when _ammoclass isEqualTo "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" but WILL if using a bullet such as "B_65x39_Caseless"


 Ive tried every variation of bracket, quotes no quotes, as well as Demo_Charge_Remote_Mag -no dice.


 Ive changed the variable _ammoClass to Global AmmoClass just for editor test. If you'd like, i have quick demo mission https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62320088/BombsAwayNoEden.Stratis.rar


 Why you no make Ammo parameter for KilledEH BI!! Actually bothers me that its Ammo at all as it sets counts as a unit having had fired and that can mess with detection issues

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 Ive tried everything :(


 Any new ideas on how to capture the demoCharge_remote_ammo being used? Dont understand how -ammoClass can grab the correct explosive ammo name but I cant save that or recognize it through another variable

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