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Eden Editor - Question/Suggestion

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Hey all, I'm a noob with a question and not able to start new link so I hope someone can help. I have seen videos and people placing bunkers and other item that my editor does not show in the assets, how can I populate the editor? I have enabled all mods that I have available and I can see maps and the zombies and stuff like that but the stock assets from arma are not there. Im lost so any help would be good. :)

Download cup terrains mod, it adds loads of arma assets like Bunkers and fortifications.

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I have a question.


I made a mission in eden, entirely with 3rd party addons, the only thing vanilla was Altis.

​At the end I decided to place a vanilla boxer truck next to a house, just for props.


What do you know... BIS changed classname for it in the latest update.


What should I do now ? I cant open the mission because old classname does no exist and I can not edit the sqm file because it is not in the editable format as it used to be. 

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Would be good if when you place a BASE module, you can say where u would like AI to be ( in buildings looking out window etc...

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With the release of Apex and the remove of the 2D-Editor, will be the Show Info help for the moduls also implemented in the Eden editor?

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Please give us the option to hide and disable transformation for objects in engine layers eg. BLUFOR, OPFOR, EMPTY. Otherwise one has to always create a custom layer to hide objects, which makes the engine layers useless.

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Mission loading and selection

I would like to suggest using the same map/mission loading function as the 2d editor, the following are my reasons:

  • Takes less time to load missions and maps
  • all maps contains all missions listed for it
  • choosing and or changing a map to start or load an existing mission is just a matter of a drop down menu
  • loading for both mission and or map is reduced to one vs an entire list an maps

Current Eden editor Map/Mission selection

The current loading of maps and mission setup is not efficient, heres my reasons why:

  • Locating missions on a specific map isn't simple, you have to tick the box for the maps at the top to list everything in alphabetical order just to locate the map, so you can locate a mission on that map
  • If i had 20-50 missions a map and i had vanilla, and modded maps, imo for me at least it would be a wait time, plus then i have to spend more time locating what i want
  • If i want to create a new mission on a map, i have to first load a map, then start from the map loaded, whereas the old way (2d editor) you can choose the map, then choose new mission at the top and it will load that

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For finding the missions, I think you're supposed to make more use of Folders as filters.  Instead of having 300 missions in one folder you'll have 5 folders.  Takistan, Altis, Current Missions, CSAR.. whatever and have the missions that you want under those folders.

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Currently, 3DEN misses an option to select all eden entities. This would be very handy for porting over missions onto other maps.

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Hi folks! :D


Only a little question:


Is there a way to use the "3EDEN  - Editor" with more than one person. Like "COOP - Editing"?

Are there similar ideas/projects/mods out there?


Please tell me if it would be possible to make something like that.


best regards


Jeck :D

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Hey there,


since i cannot start a own topic, i'll ask in here - sorry.


I want some placed assets just as cosmetics, like backpacks weapons and stuff - how do i place them, players can't pick them up/use them or access weaponcrates?

I simulated them but that doesn't seem to help, thanks in advance.

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